Sch 319: Food Based Industries Question Paper

Sch 319: Food Based Industries 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Industrial Chemistry

Institution: Kenyatta University question papers

Exam Year:2014

SCH 319 - Food-based Industries
Starch Production and Uses
Q1. (a) Write the structure of starch obtained from the tubers of Manihot
(b) What are other sources from which starch could be commercially
(c) Name major industries producing starch in Kenya or East Africa.
Q2. (a) Give a flowchart for the production of starch from cassava and
discuss each step involved in its production.
(b) Give at least five industrial uses of starch.
Q3. (a) Give name of two major sources of raw materials from which starch is
(b) List five varieties of starch with their characteristics.
(c) Write structures for amylose and amylopectin and state what are the
main differences in the two.
(d) Amylopectin and glycogen, both are polysaccharides of glucose, write
their structures and highlight the differences between the two.
(e) Write structures for amylose and cellulose and state what are the
similarities and differences in the two.
Q4. Fill in the blanks:
(a) Starch is a white powder, and depending on the source, may be
tasteless and odorless.
(b) Microscopically, starch grains are fine crystals or lumps; the precise
form of these grains varies within the plant kingdom.
(c) Commercial starches include corn starch, arrowroot, sago and
tapioca .
(d) Three products of starch are arrowroot, sago and tapioca .
Q5. Discuss applications of cassava starch in different industries with
advantages and disadvantages.

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