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Diploma Course In Managemant Section I Question Paper

Diploma Course In Managemant Section I 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2012

1a)Explain the fundamental features of management function(10 marks)
b)What are the advantages of centralizing an organizational authority(10 marks)
2)Discuss the limitations of planning in management and explain briefly the possible remedies the limitations mentioned.(20 marks)
3a)Critically evaluate the contributions of the classical school of management theorists to the understanding of organization.(12 marks)
b)Citing examples,where appropriate,describe the indicators which show whether a manager is behaving ethically or not(8 marks)
4a)Sole proprietorship has become a common form of business organization in most developing countries such as Kenya,explain briefly the factors contributing to that.(10 marks)
b)What are the problems associated with sole proprietorship form of business organization.(10 marks)
5)Organizations employ various resources such as finance,raw material,people,plant and equipment in order to achieve objectives,discuss the role of management in an organization and assess the relative importance of management as a resource(20 marks)
6ai)Define the term managerial control(4 marks)
ii)Using examples,discuss the principal steps for adequate controls(6 marks)
b)Certain characteristics must be incorporated into the design of control systems to make them effective,briefly describe those characteristics(10 marks)
7)What are the various actions that a manager should undertake to make communication in an organization more effective(20 marks)
8a)Explain ways in which the application of managerial functions is expected to change as a result of dynamism in management environment.(5 marks)
b)Explain briefly the challenges that are likely to face tomorrows management(15 marks)

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