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Diploma Course In Managemant Section Ii Question Paper

Diploma Course In Managemant Section Ii 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2011

Answer two questions from each section and one from either section A or B
1a)By use of relevant examples,explain the difference between formal and informal communication.(8 marks)
b)Identify and explain any six factors one should consider before selecting a communication media.(12 marks)
2a)What are the advantages and disadvantages of committees meetings.(10 marks)
b)In preparation of a speech,what factors would one consider at planning phase.(10 marks)
3a)Public relations practitioner is instrumental in creating liaison between an organization and its publics,mention the duties and responsibilities of a public relations practitioner in an organization.(15 marks)
b)How can an organization exercise corporate social responsibility towards the society.(5 marks)
4a)Explain five information communication technology equipment required in modern office to improve communication.(10 marks)
b)What are the merits and demerits of installing ICT equipment in organizations.(10 marks)
5.)Name and explain the different parts of business letter.(20 marks)
6a)Today,most modern organizations are opting for telecommuting,what is telecommuting and what are its advantages.(10 marks)
b)What are some of the health and safety measures that an organization should put in place in offices.(10 marks)
7a)Misbehaviour in offices can be detrimental to job performance in organizations,explain using examples five types of misbehavior in offices.(10 marks)
b)explain the measures an organization should put in place to control such misbehavior.(10 marks)
8a)An office is the nerve centre of any organization,what are its functions.(15 marks)
b)In which ways can intranets serve in organizations,(5 marks)

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