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Diploma Course In Managemant Section Ii Question Paper

Diploma Course In Managemant Section Ii 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2012

1a)Explain the contributions of purchasing function to meeting organizations objectives.(12 marks)
b)Highlight the demerits of adopting a decentralized purchasing structure within the organization.(8 marks)
2a)Define the following concepts:-
i.Material management.(2 marks)
ii.Supply chain management.(2 marks)
b)Explain the areas of relationship which purchasing should have with specific functions in an organization.(16 marks)
3a)Highlight five attributes which can make the supplies to be attractive customers to the purchasing firm.(10 marks)
b)Explain the factors that should be considered when evaluating quotations.(10 marks)
4)Explain the factors that should be considered by an organization before:
a.Undertaking a make decision.(10 marks)
b.Undertaking a buy decision.(10 marks)
5a)Discuss the corruption signs in purchasing.(4 marks)
b)Explain the measures which the purchasing officer would institute to minimize supply related frauds.(16 marks)
6a)Explain the strategy available to manage low value purchases in an organization.(10 marks)
b)Explain the reasons why organizations prefer to use tendering as a source method.(10 marks)
7a)Explain the causes for surplus ,obsolete and scrap materials in an organization.(12 marks)
b)Highlight the methods which the purchasing officer might use in disposing obsolete and surplus items.(8 marks)
8)Explain the measures that an organization would undertake to enhance health and safety in storehouse.(20 marks)

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