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Diploma Course In Managemant Section I Question Paper

Diploma Course In Managemant Section I 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2011

1a)Define a “report”and explain the various characteristics of agood report.(10 marks)
b)Describe five factors to be considered when choosing media of communication.(10 marks)
2a)Describe the procedure of writing minutes by the secretary in a meeting.(10 marks)
b)Explain importance of telephone in an office.(10 marks)
3a)With the aid of a diagram,describe the process of communication.(10 marks)
b)Explain five importance of conducting interview.(10 marks)
4a)Explain five uses of a memo in an organization.(10 marks)
b)Why should management prefer to use informal means of communication within an organization.(10 marks)
5a)Differentiate between the following pairs:
i.Tenant and landlord.(4 marks)
ii.Lease and contract.(4 marks)
iii.Email and letter.(4 marks)
iv.Notice and circular.(4 marks)
b)outline filling equipments and their importance.(4 marks)
6a)Explain roles of office manager.(10 marks)
b)Decribe qualities of a good filling system.(10 marks)
7a)Write a letter of introduction to another firm giving details of the goods and services you offer in your organization.(20 marks)
8a)Describe the role of procurement office in the office administration.(10 marks)
b)Explain why the following are necessary in the office system
i.Petty cash
ii.Stock control

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