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Diploma Course In Managemant Section Ii Question Paper

Diploma Course In Managemant Section Ii 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2011

1a)Describe the historical development of marketing from the ancient civilization to date.(10 marks)
b)Discuss the role of marketing in an organization.(10 marks)
2)Explain the external factors that might influence the marketing operations of the firm.(20 marks)
3a)Explain the functional role of marketing research in an organization.(12 marks)
b)Describe the factors that might limit a market researcher to successfully conduct the research.(8 marks)
4)Why should a marketer study the purchase behavior consumers?
5a)How can a marketer segment a market for his products?
b)Explain the buying process a consumer might pass through when purchasing personal computer.(10 marks)
6a)Describe the stages of product lifecycle(PLC).(8 MARKS)
b)Why should an organization develop new products continuously.(12 marks)
7a)What factors should a marketer consider when setting product prices.(10 marks)
b)Describe the functions of channels of distribution.(10 marks)
8a)Explain the importance of promotion in the marketing process.(10 marks)
b)Describe the types of marketing organizations that organizations adopt.(10 marks)

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