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Diploma Course In Managemant Question Paper

Diploma Course In Managemant 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2011

1a)Management is universal.Highlight five other characteristics of management.(10 marks)
b)Write brief notes on the internal environment of management.(10 marks)
2)Briefly discuss how Henri fayols general principles of management are applied today in an organization with which you are familiar.(20 marks)
3a)Enumerate the four essential skils of a manager.(8 marks)
b)Explain the contribution of Max webers bureaucratic approach to management practice.(12 marks)
4a)Highlight any five principles guidelines for effective delegation of authority.(10 marks)
b)Differentiate between centralization and decentralization.(10 marks)
5a)Briefly discuss the steps in the staffing process.(12 marks)
b)Explain four advantages of departmentalization by function.(8 marks)
6a)Highlight three advantages and two disadvantages of planning.(10 marks)
b)Name five barriers to planning.(10 marks)
7a)Discuss the difference between administration and management.(10 marks)
b)Write short notes on the following types of organizations:
i.Sole proprietorship
8)”The impact of information technology on work practices and procedures is considered”cole(2004),Describe any five advantages and five disadvantages of information technology in organizations.(20 marks)

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