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Comp 100: Computer Architecture Question Paper

Comp 100: Computer Architecture 

Course:Degree In Software Engineering

Institution: Kisii University question papers

Exam Year:2014

1.Do not write anything on this question paper
2.Answer question one and any other two questions

QUESTION ONE(30 marks)
a)Define the following terms as used in computer systems:
-computer architecture 2marks
-computer organization 2marks
-structure 2marks
-function 2marks
b)List FOUR elements of machines instruction 4marks
c)Outline any THREE functions of the processor in a computer 3 marks
d)What is an encoding system?list any three encoding systems used in modern computers 4marks
e)List three registers found in most ALUs and control units 3marks
f)Briefly explain how 2''s compliment is implemented during computer arithemetics 2marks
g)Explain TWO uses of truth table in computer logic 2marks
h)Give any TWO error detection and correction schemes 2marks
i)Explain 3 dimensions that distinguish Boolean algebra from conventional algebra 3marks

a)With the help of a well labeled diagram,explain on instruction cycle with emphasis on processor-memory,processor-1/0,data processing and control.10 marks
b)In addition to the processor and a set of memory modules ,the third key element of a computer system is a set of 1/0 modules.Each module interface to the system bus or centre switch to the control one or more peripheral devices.Using a well labelled diagram ,explain on the generic model of an 1/0 module.10 marks

a)The basic element of a semiconductor memory is the memory cell.Although a variety of electronic technologies are used,all semi conductors memory cells share certain properties.Discuss on these properties. 6marks
b)List three areas where ROM can be effectively applied.3marks
c)Given that Y=A''BC(A+D)''
-Draw a circuit diagram to implement this function 4marks
-Given that A=0;B=C=D=1,determine the output logic level.3 marks
d)Explain how you would implement aSOP circuit in Boolean arithmetic 3 marks

a)what is a karnaugh map?list the 3 types of K-maps and give areas where they find application.9marks
b)Discuss in sign-magnitude representation as used in computer arithemetics.6marks
c)Opcodes are represented by abbreviations called mnemonics which indicate the operation.Give 5 of these opcodes and there meaning.5 marks

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