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Comp 103:Fundamentals Of Computer Programming Question Paper

Comp 103:Fundamentals Of Computer Programming 

Course:Degree In Software Engineering

Institution: Kisii University question papers

Exam Year:2014

1.Do not write anything on this question paper
2.Answer question one and any other two questions

1.Define the following terminologies as used in computing 4 marks
b)Explain any two types of programming languages 4marks
c)Explain any two features of primary memory 4 marks
d)Differentiate between a linker and a loader in the program development environment.4 marks
e)Write a C/C++ program that displays the even numbers between 0 and 100. 5marks
f)Explain any two roles of a variable in programming language.4marks
g)Draw a flowchart for a program that gives all the even numbers between 0 to 100.5 marks

a)Describe the various stages in the software development life cycle. 6 marks
b)Draw a flowchart for a program that takes an integer number and returns the sum of its digits.7marks
c)Using C++ or any other sructured programming language,write a code snippet to implement the flowchart in2b above.7marks

a)Describe the various stages in the program execution cycle. 6marks
b)Draw a flowchart for a program that give the largest number in an integer array of size m.8 marks
c)Using a high level programming language ,write a program that give the largest number in an integer array of size m.6 marks

a)By using an example,describe the various elements of a function.6marks
b)Draw a flowchart for a program that generates an x by y multiplication table.8marks
c)A program is required that takes in three non equal numbers and returns the largest. using a function that returns the larger of two number,write the required program.6marks

a)Explain 3 reasons why it is important to design a program before coding.6marks
b)A conditional command chooses one of its subcommands to execute depending on a condition. with the aid of a flowcharts,describe two examples of conditrional commands.6 marks
c)Write a function that takes an interger and returns its values in a reversed order. for example,given 1345,it returns 5413.8 marks

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