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Csc 462E: Geographical Information Systems Question Paper

Csc 462E: Geographical Information Systems 

Course:Bachelor Of Science

Institution: Kibabii University question papers

Exam Year:2014

1.Do not write anything on this question paper
2.Answer question one and any other two questions

1)Question one(30 marks)
a) Define the following terms (8marks)
i. GIS
ii. Routes
iii. Waypoints
iv. Global Positioning System
a) State four variety of ways under which GPS is used (4marks)
b) For more accuracy, four or more satelites are needed to plot a 3D position. Discuss the three segments of GPS (6marks)
c) The GPS is not a perfect system. There are several different types of errors that can occur when using a GPS receiver. Briefly describe any five errors associated with GPS. (10 marks)
d) A wide variety of data sources exist for both spatial and attribute data. State any fie common sources for spatial data.(2marks)

2) Question Two(20 marks)
a) Differentiate between spatial data and attribute data (2marks)
b) A GIS has four main functional subsystems. n functional subsystems. Briefly describe them.(8marks)
c) All geographic features on the earths surface can be characterized and defined as one of three basic feature types. These are points, lines and areas. Differentiate these features. (2marks)
d) Identify and discuss four components of data quality. (8marks)
3) Question Three(20marks)
a) Differentiate between the following topologic data structure and computer aided drafting data structure (2marks)
b) An operational GIS has a series of components that combine to make the system. A working GIS integrates five key components. Discuss these components(10 marks)
c) Maps are traditional method of storing and displaying geographic information. A map portrays three kinds of information about geographic features. State these features (3 marks)
d) During data input, several kinds oferrors can occur. State some of the error classification that occurs at this point(5marks)
4) Question Four (20 marks)
a) Outline the advantages and disadvantages of vector and raster data (10 marks)
b) Explain the following data models(10 marks)
i. Tabular
ii. Hierachical
iii. Network
iv. Relational
v. Object Oriented
5) Question Five (20 marks)
a) Define remote sensing(2marks)
b) List six stages involved in remote sensing(6marks)
c) Briefly Differentiate between passive and active remote sensing(4marks)
d) Discuss how remote sensing is applied in the following areas(8marks)
i. Agriculture
ii. Forestry
iii. Geology
iv. Hydrology

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