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Csc 413:Distributed Systems Question Paper

Csc 413:Distributed Systems 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Computer Science

Institution: Kibabii University question papers

Exam Year:2014


1.Do not write anything on this question paper
2.Answer question one and any other two questions

1) Question one (30 marks)
a) Explain the following terms (8 marks)
i. Distributed systems
ii. Synchronization
iii. Packet
iv. Thread
b) Explain why distributed computing systems are gaining popularity(10 marks)
c) State and briefly explain features of network operating systems and distributed operating systems (6marks)
d) Compare secret key encryption and public key encryption giving advantages and disadvantages of each(6marks)

2) Question Two (20 marks)
a) Explain any five forms of transparency as it’s the main goal of distributed operating systems
(10 marks)
b) Explain the following terms as applied in distributed systems (4 marks)
i. Fault tolerance
ii. Fault Avoidance
c) Explain the concepts to improve fault tolerance ability of a distributed operating system(4marks)
d) Explain any FOUR distribute computer environment(DCE) Components (2marks)

3) Question Three (20marks)
a) With the aid of a diagram explain the two basic methods of information sharing (8marks)
b) Explain what is meant by a scalable system (3marks)
c) Processes in distributed systems are often divided into two groups: clients and servers
i. Describe the client-server model (3marks)
ii. Give a graphical representation of the request-reply interaction between client and server (3marks)
d) What do client and server stubs do for Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) (3 Marks)

4) Question Four (20 marks)
a) Explain the two semantics used for synchronization in communication (8marks)
b) State and explain the methods by which the receiving process knows that the message has been received in a non-blocking receive primitive (4 marks)
c) With the aid of a diagram explain the 4-message reliable IPC protocol for client-server communication between two processes (4 marks)
d) Explain the difference between stateful servers and stateless servers as used in server management in distributed systems(2 marks)

5) Question Five (20 marks)
a) What is an election algorithm (2marks)
b) Briefly explain how the following election algorithms work.(8 marks)
i. Bully algorithm
ii. Ring algorithm
c) What is the purpose of naming in distributed systems? (8marks)
d) Explain any three desirable features of a naming system (2 marks)

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