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Diploma Course In Managemant Section Iii Psm 207 Question Paper

Diploma Course In Managemant Section Iii Psm 207 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2013

1a)Identify five main objectives of the purchasing function(10 marks)
b)State important areas where purchasing function is supposed to relate with the following departments closely:
i)product development(5 marks)
ii)finance development(5 marks)
2a)State five important features that may appear on an LPO(Local purchase order)(10 marks)
b)Explain three important functions of a GRN(goods return note)(6 marks)
c)Outline two usefulness of purchasing records(4 marks)
3a)Explain the factors to be considered in selecting a channel of distribution(10 marks)
b)State the factors to consider when packaging material from supplier to consumer(10 marks)
4a)You have been given the responsibility as a purchasing officer of an organization to purchase and receive materials for the organization,what will you do to make sure you don’t receive or buy substandard items(10 marks)
b)State five advantages of multi sourcing(10 marks)
5)When an organization encourages a lot of small value purchases it opens the door for collusion,cheating canvassing and fraud,discuss(20 marks)
6)Briefly explain the meaning of the following stock control terms:
i)JIT (4 marks)
ii)MRP (4 marks)
iii)Buffer stock (4 marks)
iv)Variety reduction (4 marks)
v)Redundant stocks (4 marks)
7a)Explain on five security measures you will take to protect store building(10 marks)
b)Highlight five measures you may take to reduce fraudulent practices in purchasing department(10 marks)
8)Assume that you have been deployed as a distribution officer in charge of packaging,loading and dispatching of goods to customer:

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