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Diploma Course In Managemant Section Iii Psm 207 Question Paper

Diploma Course In Managemant Section Iii Psm 207 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2013

Question 1
As a manager in a public sector corporation in a competitive industry handling purchases from both local and international sources,the management has assigned you rules to re-organise,assess,and re-engineer your procurement activities in regard to expanded regional markets and the constitution of Kenya reviewed in 2010.
a)Advice management on the contributions and relevant of public procurement and disposal act 2005(10 marks)
b)To advice on the practicality of the acts 2005 regulations to 2006 and practioners act 2007 with regard to an expanded block or regional markets i.e COMESA,EAC etc(10 marks)
c)Advice on how the act promotes economic developments for small to medium enterprises and the effects on cooperate social responsibility(10 marks)
d)Identify similarities between public procurement,tender administration,as a procurement mrthod and the private sector procurement(10 marks)
e)To draft the most suitable structure for the corporation with a view to improving efficiency and competiveness and productivity of the corporation in both local international supply markets(10 marks)

Question 2
Abusiness organization located in kisii wants professional advice from a procurement consultant to guide and develop systems and methods of procurement that will improve relations as a long term objective and goals of the organization in a global market competition in order to improve its market share internationally whilst retaining and protecting its local customer base or market share.
a)To advice on the types and relevance or usage of various shipping documents(10 marks)
b)To identify methods of supplier sourcing and payments that can yield trust,competency amd long term relationship(10 marks)
c)To identify and advice on risks associated with international sourcing and on the way forward by recommending applicable solutions(10 marks)
d)To suggest method of dispute resolutions in a contract for partnership and the contributions the appeal board/tribunal in administrative review(10 marks)
e)To propose right ethical standards to be considered and the clause to be negotiated into a contract and selection of transport mode in order to achieve the objectives of transparency,fairness and accountability or productivity with a view to improving efficiency,effectiveness and competitiveness(10 marks)

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