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Diploma Course In Managemant Section Iii Psm 203 Question Paper

Diploma Course In Managemant Section Iii Psm 203 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2013

1a)Explain how purchasing and supply management will be affected by a cost leadership generic strategy to be implemented in a manufacturing organization(10 marks)
b)Discuss steps to be followed in the implementation of strategies(8 marks)
2a)Discuss major forces at work that have led to the growth in the strategic importance of purchasing and supply in organization(10 marks)
b)Explain ways of”unfreezing”old patterns of behavior to lessen resistance while introducing a change in organization(8 marks)
3a)One method of organizing the purchasing function is by materials management,highlight the advantages of this purchasing structure.(8 marks)
b)The matrix structure is often used by multinational organizations,highlight its disadvantages(10 marks)
4a)Long term partnership deal is one method organizations adopt in relating with suppliers,evaluate risks to be evaluated in such a relationship.(10 marks)
b)Explain typical strategies areas to be measured within purchasing and supply chain(8 marks)
5a)How is the buyers role likely to change as the buyer becomes more involved with proactive strategic purchasing(10 marks)
b)Explain how the development of partnership with key suppliers will reduce strategic acquisition costs(8 marks)
6a)Discuss the nature/characteristics of corporate strategy in an organization(10 marks)
b)Managers must review corporate strategies now and again,explain why this is so(8 marks)
7a)Strategy formulation and implementation in any organization require resources,explain these resources(10 marks)
b)Discuss the factors that will affect the dynamic and complex strategy developments in public sector organizations(8 marks)

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