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Certificate Course In Management Ccm 100 Question Paper

Certificate Course In Management Ccm 100 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2011

1a)Differentiate between administration ana management(5 marks)
b)Identify and describe the types of manuals that can be used in an organization(5 marks)
2a)Outline the characteristics of effective committees and examine their importance in an organization(10 marks)
b)Describe the elements of directing as a management function(10 marks)
3a)Explain the types of plans that can be formulated by managers in an organization(5 marks)
b)Explain the characteristics of an effective control system in an organization(5 marks)
c)What steps can you suggest to be taken by managers to ensure effective coordination(10 marks)
4a)Describe the function of a manger in a business enterprise(10 marks)
b)successful managers should possess certain skills that separate them from unsuccessful ones,list and explain the four main skills that the managers should have(10 marks)
5a)Illustrate the importance of human resource planning in an organization(5 marks)
b)In what way is planning important to an organization(10 marks)
c)What measures can you propose to the managers of an organization to reduce employee turnover(5 marks)
6a)Examine the elements of the political environment and their effects on the decisions made by managers(10 marks)
b)Develop a criteria for measuring successful supervision(10 marks)
7a)Communication is an important tool for managing organizations today,with the aid of a diagram,identify the process of communication(10 marks)
b)In what managerial circumstances is a matrix organization appropriate?explain your answer(10 marks)
8a)Delegation is an important process in an organization.In some cases managers are reluctant to delegate authority and responsibilities to their junior managers,what are the main reasons for this reluctance(10 marks)
b)Differentiate between systems and contingency approaches to management(10 marks)

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