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Diploma Course In Managemant Section Iii Question Paper

Diploma Course In Managemant Section Iii 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2011

1a)There are various procurement methods used during the sourcing of goods and services,explain the following methods and the circumstances that could influence the procuring entity to use them:
i)open tendering (4 marks)
ii)Restricted tendering (4 marks)
iii)Direct procurement (4 marks)
b)Explain the content of a tender document(6 marks)
2a)Before year 2000 there was no legal frame work governing the public procurement in Kenya,give justification that led to the enactment of the law(9 marks)
b)The term quotation proposal and tender are often used interchangeably and indeed heve similar meaning,clearly outline the circumstances under which these terms are applied during a procurement process.(9 marks)
3)The trend of organizing procurement and supply chain structure has changed rapidly from centralized to hybrid system:
a)Highlight the benefit of hybrid system structure(10 marks)
b)Explain the factors which can lead to the adoption of the structures(8 marks)
4a)Explain how a procurement professional will apply the following techniques in matching supply and demand in achieving organizational goals:
i)Distribution requirement planning(DRP) (3 marks)
ii)Enterprise resource planning(ERP) (3 marks)
b)Explain the components of ethical policies as applied in procurement and supply chain management(12 marks)
8a)Explain the specific activities undertaken during pre-negotiation phase during the process of negotiation(10 marks)
b)An organizations purchasing and supply strategy is a means to achieve its supply objectives,highlight four supply chain strategies(8 marks)

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