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Diploma Course In Human Resource Managemant Section Ii Hrm 201 Question Paper

Diploma Course In Human Resource Managemant Section Ii Hrm 201 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2010

1a)Explain why agricultural wages are normally lower than industrial wages in Kenya(10 marks)
b)Discuss the various discriminations experienced in the Kenya labour market(10 marks)
2a)Discuss the factors that can be adopted to reduce the rate of labour turnover in an industry(12 marks)
b)Explain the main determinats of elasticity of labour supply(8 marks)
3a)Explain the resources of human capital in Kenya(10 marks)
b)Discuss the main causes of labour immobility and in each case suggest how this problem can be overcome(10 marks)
4a)Distinguish between monopoly and monopsony(4 marks)
b)Discuss the possible outcomes in a situation where labour unions are restricted by the government(12 marks)
c)Briefly explain any four theories of wages(4 marks)
5a)Explain why employers sometimes pay their workers above the ruling market rates(10 marks)
b)Discuss the basis for wage bargaining by trade unions in developed countries(10 marks)
6a)With the aid of a diagram,explain the law of variable proportions(8 marks)
b)Discuss the advantages of specialization(8 marks)
c)Distinguish between factor inputs and factor rewards(4 marks)
7a)pWith the aid of a diagram,explain how wage rate and employment level are determined in a monopoly labour market(10 marks)
b)Explain any five types of unemployment in urban areas and suggest measures to curb each of them(10 marks)
8a)With examples,explain the peculiar feature of labour market in Kenya(10 marks)
b)There is an increasing trend of workers seeking higher education in higher learning institutions in Kenya,explain the likely future benefits for these workers(10 marks)

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