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Diploma Course In Managemant Section Ii Dcm 200 Question Paper

Diploma Course In Managemant Section Ii Dcm 200 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2010

1a)Highlight the strategic aspects of management(8 marks)
b)Discuss the benefits of human resource planning in an organization(10 marks)
2a)Fredrick W.Taylor is known as the father of scientific management,explain the principles of scientific management propounded by Taylor(10 marks)
b)Discuss the contingency theory of management and how it affects organizational leadership(8 marks)
3a)Discuss the various factors in the external and internal business authority environment and their effects on organizational productivity(18 marks)
b)Discuss the contingency theory of management and how it affects organizational leadership(8 marks)
4)Discuss the various factors in the external and internal business environment and their effects on organizational productivity(18 marks)
5a)Highlight the decision making process(10 marks)
b)Discuss any four organizational development(OD)techniques(8 marks)
6)Groups in organizations are vital in achieving corporate objectives
a)Discuss the group formation process (10 marks)
b)Highlight the qualities of effective teams(8 marks)
7a)Discuss various types of culture (8 marks)
b)Highlight the factors that influence organizational culture(10 marks)
8a)Discuss any three theories of leadership(10 marks)
b)Highlight four types of leadership(8 marks)

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