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Diploma Course In Managemant Section Ii Dcm 203 Question Paper

Diploma Course In Managemant Section Ii Dcm 203 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2010

1)In order to use research findings to make decisions in your organizations,it is important to know and separate good research work from research work,discuss the characteristics you would consider in trying to establish if a research is good(18 marks)
2)Write short notes on the following sampling methods clearly highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each
a)simple random sampling (9 marks)
b)convenience sampling (9 marks)
3)Discuss the questionnaire as a data collection instrument giving the advantages and disadvantages of questionnaires in data collection(18 marks)
4)”One of the most important things in research is measure that there is a problem that is worth researching”discuss the various sources of research problems and state the factors that determine a researchable problem(18 marks)
6)”A crucial element of all research degrees is the review of relevant literature,so important is this chapter that its omission represents a void or absence of a major element in research”discuss the reasons why literature review is done(18 marks)
7)Discuss the four measurement scale giving the characteristics of each,give examples of each scale(18 marks)
8)Discuss the following ethical issues in research
a)plagiarism (10 marks)
b)misuse of privileges(8 marks)

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