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Diploma Course In Managemant Section Ii Dcm 202 Question Paper

Diploma Course In Managemant Section Ii Dcm 202 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2010

1)Ethics and quality have common care premise,do right things and do it right first time,explain any six root causes of unethical behavior in an organization of your choice,suggest how the unethical behavior can be rooted out(18 marks)
2a)Define ergonomics(4 marks)
b)Outline some of the benefits an organization can derive from proper work place ergonomics design(14 marks)
3)In order to manage and control a process,we need to answer the question :are we capable of doing the job correctly”as opposed to,”have we done the job correctly”explain(18 marks)
4)Explain at least four functions of the following department in an organization in relation to meet customer requirements
c)production/operations (18 marks)
5a)Define quality in terms of customer satisfaction,dissatisfaction and delight(6 marks)
b)Quality is recognized as the most important attribute of organizations reputation,discuss this statement outlining other attributes of organizations reputation(12 marks)
7)Whether an organization meets customer requirements or not,that organization must pay cost quality,justify this statement citing types of quality costs(18 marks)
8)How would the following benefit from implementing management system
b)employees of the organization
c)institution (18 marks)

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