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Bridging Course In Management Bcm 003 Question Paper

Bridging Course In Management Bcm 003 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2010

1)Define the following accounting concept:
a)Going concern concept (4 marks)
b)Business entity concept (4 marks)
c)Historical concept (4 marks)
d)Matching concept (4 marks)
e)Periodicity concept (4 marks)
2)Give a brief definition of the term used below:
a)Accrued expenses (4 marks)
b)Prepaid expenses (4 marks)
c)Depreciation (4 marks)
d)Carriage inwards (4 marks)
e)Return outwards (4 marks)
3a)State and explain the users of accounting information(10 marks)
b)Define double entry and explain its advantages(10 marks)
4)Explain the following subsidiary books:
a)Sales journal (4 marks)
b)Purchase journal (4 marks)
c)Returns inwards journal (4 marks)
d)Petty cashbook (4 marks)

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