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Bridging Course In Management Bcm 2 Question Paper

Bridging Course In Management Bcm 2 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2009

1)Explain the following terminologies in relation to probability theory:
i)mutually exclusive events(2 marks)
ii)independent exhaustive events(2 marks)
iii)sample space(2 marks)
2)In an opinion survey conducted recently 2000 kenyans were surveyed regarding policies which might be enacted to conserve energy,of the 2000,1000 kenyans said that gas rationing would be acceptable to them,500 kenyans said that a tax be levied on oil to conserve energy and 275 kenyans indicated that both rationing of gas and taxation of oil would be acceptable to them,represent the information using a Venn diagram.
If a person is selected at random from the group,whats the probability that the person would:
i)find one or both of the policy alternatives above acceptable(3 marks)
ii)find neither of the policy alternatives acceptable(3 marks)
3a)Whats the difference between arithmetic and geometric series(2 marks)
b)The first term of an arithmetic progression is 10,the sum of the first five is 110
i)find the common difference(4 marks)
ii)find the sum of the first ten terms(4 marks)
iii)find the thirty fifth term(4 marks)
4a)Explain the following terms:
i)simple interest(2 marks)
ii)compound interest(2 marks)
iii)principal(2 marks)
iv)interest(2 marks)
b)What sum of money should be invested to day at 8% per annum compounded
ii)semi annually
if the goal is to have a compound amount of ksh 50,000 after 5 years(12 marks)
5)Mwangi bought 4 bananas and 3 apples for ksh 20 and frida bought 4 bananas and 8 apples for ksh 40

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