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Diploma Course In Managemant Section Ii Psm 207 Question Paper

Diploma Course In Managemant Section Ii Psm 207 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2013

1)The release of of supplies by exporters is usually very risky due to uncertainity as to whether they shall be paid or not.Discuss the ways which may be used to make payment in global sourcing(18 marks)
2)In Kenya,a lot of scandals have emanated from public procurement.Discuss thereforms the government of Kenya decided to implement to streamline the public procurement activity(18 marks)
3)The minister has the power to appoint a 6 member review board from various organizations.state such organizations and justify the conditions under which the minister may identify the representative from the institutions(18 marks)
4)Sourcing materials from overseas is a trend that has been adopted by a number of organizations:
a)Discuss why they may opt for overseas sourcing against sourcing from within(10 marks)
b)What challenges is the firm likely to encounter under 5(a) above(8 marks)
5)XYZ company has expanded in recent years.Initially they would buy materials that they would use immediately.They have realized that its almost impartial to operate without a warehouse,advice XYZ on the importance of having one(18 marks)
6)An organization importing and distributing goods in a wide regional market may adopt a multinational logistics system,discuss(18 marks)
8a)Explain 5 methods of disposal that may be employed by a disposal committee in a public entity(10 marks)
b)Identify the membership of a disposal committee entity(8 marks)

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