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Bud 001 Business Mathematics Question Paper

Bud 001 Business Mathematics 

Course:Diploma In Business Management

Institution: Kca University question papers

Exam Year:2014

TIME: 1 1/2 Hours
INSTRUCTION: Answer any THREE questions
a) Highlight three advantages of the median as a measure of central tendency.
(3 Marks)
b) Uvumilivu Hospital keeps a record of the weights of patients (x) visiting the hospital on a
daily basis. Records from the hospital indicate that thirty patients visited the hospital on 1st
April 2013. The following data relates to the thirty patients:
?x = 1,530
?x2 = 80,604
The thirty patients were given a review appointment for 30 April 2013. During the review
appointment, twenty eight of the thirty patients were present. Two patients weighting 48kgs
and 56kgs were absent.
(i) The mean of the thirty patients who visited Uvumilivu Hospital on 1st April 2013.
(3 Marks)
(ii) The mean of the twenty eight patients who visited Uvumilivu Hosital on 30 April 2013.
(4 Marks)
c) The following distribution gives the profit realized by 1,000 companies for the year ended 31
December 2010.
Profit (Sh.
100 – 120 17
120 – 140 53
140 – 160 199
160 – 180 194
180 – 200 327
200 – 220 208
220 – 240 2
(i) The mean and standard deviation. (6 Marks)
(ii) Mode (3 Marks)
(iii)Comment on the results obtained in (c) (ii) above. (1 Mark)
(i) Evaluate the following functions:
a) (3 Marks)
b) (4 Marks)
(ii) Given that x=2, y=3 and z=-3, solve the following equations,
a. (2 Marks)
b. (2 Marks)
(iii)Mr. William is a farmer in Nyeri County, he has subdivided his land such that,
land is crop farming,
of the
of the remainder is dairy farming and the rest for homestead.
Mr. Williams has allocated 20 acres to dairy farming.
a) The total number of acres owned by Mr. William (6 Marks)
b) The number of acres allocated to dairy farming and homestead. (3 Marks)
a) Josphat invested sh. 320,000 in two investment funds, A and B. He gained 15% from the
amount invested in investment fund A but lost 8% from the amount invested in investment
fund B. His average gain from the two investments was 10%.
The amount of money in each investment fund.
(5 Marks)
b) A salesman earns a fixed monthly basic salary and a commission that is directly proportional
to sales made in the month. During the month of September and October 2006, the
salesman’s total earnings were SH.31, 200 and Sh.39, 000 respectively. His total sales for the
month of September and October were Sh. 405,000 and Sh.600, 000 respectively.
(i) The salesman’s rate of commission
(ii) The salesman’s fixed monthly basic salary.
(2 Marks)
(2 Marks)
(iii)The total sales the salesman has to make to receive a total monthly earning of
(3 Marks)
c) Mr. Karanja, a small scale farmer owns a piece of land currently valued at Sh. 200,000. He
intends to dispose off the land in order to purchase a pick up. The value of land appreciates at
a fixed per annum. His neighbour Mr. Mwania , owns a pickup currently valued at Sh. 1.0
million. The value of pick up depreciates at the rate of 20% per annum on a straight line
Required :
i. The appreciation equation for the value of the land.
(2 Marks)
ii. The value of the pick up after the three years
(2 Marks)
iii. The number of years after which Mr. Karanja can be able to exchange his piece of
land with Mr. Mwania’s pick up. Without having to add any more money.
(4 Marks)
a. A commercial bank buys and sells Indian Rupees in Kenya shillings as shown below.
Buy at KSh.1=1.6097 Indian rupees and sell at ksh 1=1.6123 Indian Rupees. An
Asian trader had sh. 30000 which he converted to Indian rupees through a
commercial bank. How many Indian rupees did he get given that the bank charged
(5 Marks)
b. John bought 1500 oranges for his business at a price of Sh.60 for every 75 oranges. He
discovered that 30 oranges were rotten and that his family members had consumed 40
oranges. He sold each of the remaining oranges at Sh2.00
i) Calculate his profit.
(3 Marks)
ii) Calculate his percentage profit relative to:
-Expenditure (2 Marks)
-Income (2 Marks)
c. Safaricom limited wants to increase the sales of the famous “Bamba 50”. John is employed to
sell the cards on commission basis. He is also given a basic salary of Sh.8, 000.Commission
is paid as follow-
On the first Sh. 60,000 worth of sales, no commission is given
Next Sh.120,000 worth of sales a commission of 4% is given
On the balance of sales, commission of 5 % is given.
What is his monthly income on a month that he sells goods worth:
(i) Sh. 50,000 (2 Marks)
(ii) Sh.100,000 (3 Marks)
(iii) Sh.400,000 (3 Marks)
i) Explain the application of functions in business.
(4 Marks)
ii) James Kamau stocks and sells cabbages, oranges and mangoes in his grocery at Kitengela
market. On Monday last week, he sold 55 cabbages, 100 oranges and 95 mangoes making
a total sale of sh. 1,625. On Tuesday, he sold 60 cabbages, 120 oranges and 80 mangoes
making a total sale of sh. 1,580. On Wednesday, he sold 75 cabbages, 150 oranges and
120 mangoes making a total sale of sh. 2,175. He buys these items from a distributor at
sh.3, sh.2 and sh.6 for a cabbage, an orange and a mango respectively.
a) Three simultaneous equations connecting the number of units sold and total sales.
(3 Marks)
b) The selling price for each.
(9 Marks)
c) The profit that James Kamau made on each of the three days and his total profits.
(4 Marks)

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