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Bud 002 Business Language Question Paper

Bud 002 Business Language 

Course:Diploma In Business Management

Institution: Kca University question papers

Exam Year:2014

TIME: 1 1/2 Hours
INSTRUCTION: Answer any THREE questions
Read the passage below and answer the question that follow it. Write your answers
in complete sentences and paragraphs
The Government of Kenya has demonstrated a commitment to make e-Government a
reality and to ensure that it provides better service to Kenyans. A Directorate of e-
Government was constituted to prepare an e-Government strategy. In addition, the
Directorate was to co-ordinate the implementation plan and monitoring and evaluation of
the process.
E-Government is the use of a range of information technologies, such as the Wide Area
Networks, Internet and Mobile Computing by government agencies to transform
government operations. This is in order to improve effectiveness, efficiency, service
delivery and to promote democracy. It is the use of information technology to support
government operations, provide investments, engage citizens and provide government
The change to e-Government is a major effort given the level of IT literacy in
Government. This calls for training of personnel directly involved in the implementation
of e-Government services. The bulk of personnel in Government at present lack
necessary basic IT knowledge and skills, to competently work in the envisaged
environment. The Government personnel at all levels therefore, must be adequately
equipped through relevant training programmes to effectively carry out this initiative.
This calls for a change in the way the Government carries out its operation. Training will
be to a large extent, conducted in-house where applicable.
E-Government is an important element in the modernization of Government. It provides a
common framework and direction across the public sector. It enhances collaboration
within and among public sector organizations and institutions, between Government and
the business community and between Government and the citizens that it serves. It also
identifies ways of developing the skills needed by public servants to realize the new
Technology (ICT)
advancement such as the Internet.
The e-Government strategy presented is designed to achieve a pre-determined set of goals
and objective. These include, better and efficient delivery of Government information
and services to the citizens, promoting productivity among public servants and
encouraging participation of citizens in Government. Further, it aims to empower all
Kenyans in live with development priorities outlined in the Economic Recovery strategy
for Wealth and Employment Creation (2003- 2007)
The overall goal of e-Government is to make the Government more result-oriented,
efficient and citizen-centered. E-Government should enable citizens to access
Government services and information as efficiently and as effectively as possible,
through the use of Internet and other channels of communication. The specific objectives
of e-Government include improving collaboration between government agencies and
enhancing efficiency and effectiveness of resource utilization. It also aims at improving
Kenya’s competitiveness globally, by providing timely information and delivery of
government services
In addition, it aims at reducing transaction costs for the government, citizens and the
private sector through the provision of products and services electronically. Providing a
forum for citizens’ participation in Government activities is a further goal.
The focus of present day economy is about the customer on one hand and service
provision on the other. Naturally, to provide services efficiently, a good understanding of
the customer and the service offering organizations is critical. In communication with
citizens, the general approach is to start with simple services based on the principle of
“Think big, start small and scale fast”. At the same time, there should be integration of
government services to enable a single point of access. The Government will, therefore
use the Internet to ensure that e-Government services reach every citizen, business and
institution in Kenya. Access of information by citizens and by policy will also be made
easier. Communication within Government entails Government agencies conducting
business electronically among themselves.
Communication with citizens entails electronic provision of services to the citizens by the
Government. These could range from paying government utility bills by citizens to
providing comprehensive information by the government about its obligations to citizens.
As people increasingly turn to using the Internet to do their shopping and book holidays,
they must be able to inform the Government that they have moved, apply for a parking
permit, among other things.
The Government, therefore, needs to redesign and deliver its services to suit the way its
citizens want to access and use them. New technology affects all lives and governments
should also move with the times. Provision of government services in the traditional way
will still continue to customers who cannot or do not want to use these new methods of
access. E-Government changes the way of working, with more transactions being carried
out over website. It aims at providing a single point of contact for a range of services.
ADAPTED FORM: E-Government strategy. The strategic Framework, Administrative
structure, Training Requirement and Standardization Framework March 2004.
a) State the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage
(i) Constituted
(ii) Envisaged
(iii) Collaboration
(iv) Citizen- centered
(v) Integration
(vi) Entails.
b) Explain, according to the passage, the importance of e-Government.
(6 Marks)
(4 Marks)
c) Explain, according to the passage, the broad and specific objectives of e-Government
strategy .
(10 Marks)
a) The following passage contains errors, identify the errors and write them correctly.
Do not rewrite the passage
The deliberations during this years’ conference has an opportunity for all the members to
reexamine the current developmental strategies and put in place long-lasting and
sustainable initiatives to bringing about positive changes in the many public services
undertakes their responsibilities.
This is more so in improving produce in the public service and delivery of services to the
Such initiatives call for refocusing the sector to become more professional in service
delivery. The objectives is to improve productivity while at the same creating a
conducive enabling environment for private sector Leadership in economic developments
and wealth creation. Some of this initiatives includes the development of polices, systems
and procedures to determine the standard measurements of performance as well as the
establishment of service chatters between service providers and consumers to ensure that
the later receive value for their money
Any 20 errors @ 1/2 mark.
(10 Marks)
b) Discuss how the study of business language is important in business application.
(10 Marks)
a) Listening is an important communication tool within an organization. Explain the
benefits of listening.
b) Explain the meaning of reading.
(10 marks)
(1 mark)
c) Mention and briefly explain the various techniques a reader can apply for effective
understanding of a text.
(9 marks)
a) Write an essay of about 250words on “How the Kenya Government can improve the
agricultural sector”
b) Insert the adverbs that are in brackets in appropriate places.
(10 Marks)
i. Mary comes to see her old aunt (often)
ii. I had killed the elephant when another appeared (hardly)
iii. Do they go to the village? (ever, nowadays)
iv. I shall punish her for her naughtiness (certainly, severally)
v. She seems to make the most elementary mistakes (always)
(5 Marks)
c) Insert the correct tense of the verb in the following sentences
i. As soon as he ________________ the news he wrote to me (to hear)
ii. He ran away because he __________________ afraid (to be)
iii. His health has improved since he _____________ to India (to be)
iv. Just as he __________ the room the clock struck (to leave)
d) I did not know it until you ___________________ (to speak).
(5 Marks)
a) Show how gerunds can act as nouns by constructing sentences from the
following words.
i. Sleep
ii. Buy
iii. Walk
iv. Talk
(5 Marks)
b) Mention and briefly explain five components of a good business letter (5 Marks)
c) State and explain with examples the classification of sentences.
(5 Marks)
d) Change the following sentences to reported speech
i) “I must write to my father,” she said
ii) “I will leave for London next week”, she said
iii) “You must finish your composition before the end of the lesson,” said the
iv) “Did you watch the T.V. last night?” My friend asked me.
v) my father told me yesterday, “I will buy you a new bicycle if you pass your
exams next time.
(5 Marks)

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