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Gaighanjiru High School Cre Question Paper

Gaighanjiru High School Cre 


Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2011

ties in the african traditional society(7Mks)
b)Give five points on how the aged prepared for ancestrolhood in the A.T.S (5mks)
c)What can christians learn about jesus from the exorcisms that he performed (6mks)
2.a)Explain the role of john the baptist as a link between the old and the new testament. (8Mks)
b)outline jesus teachings on readness and watchfulness (5mks)
c)outline conditions that jesus set for his followers. (7Mks)
3.a)Explain tje christian teachings on human sexuality. (8Mks)
b)Outline the events whenJesus was dedicated to the temple of jerusalem as a young child. (6Mks)
c)Why did Jesus use parables during his ministries (6mks)
4.a)Outline prophet samuel''s prophecy about the evils of kingship in israel. (7Mks)
b)Show the importance of the church to christians in Kenya today. (7Mks)
c)What complaints did the poor have about nobels when Nehemiah was governor in judah (5mks)
5.a) Explain why abortion was rare in the tradition african communities (6mks)
b) Explain the Exorcism at carpernaum Luke 4:31-37 (6mks)
c) Give five reasons why David is regarded as an ancestor of Jesus Christ. (8Mks)

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