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Bridging Course In Management Bcm 002 Question Paper

Bridging Course In Management Bcm 002 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2010

1)Explain the following terms
i)an element
ii)universal set
iii)fine set
iv)complement of a set (10 marks)
2)A man deposited sh 3,500 in a bank,sh350 inerest was added at the end of the first year.The whole amount was left in the bank at the end of the second year(12 marks)
3)The sum of second and fourth term of arithmetic progression is 17 and sum of the third term and eleventh term of the progression is 29,calculate –
i)The first term(5 marks)
ii)The common difference(5 marks)
3a)The sum of the second and fourth terms of arithmetic progression is 17 and sum of the third and eleventh terms of the progression is 29,calculate-
i)The first term (5 marks)
ii)The common difference(5 marks)
b)The common ratio of a geometric progression is 2 and the sum of the first eight terms is 1020.find the first term and eight term(10 marks)
4a)The price of a radio set was originally sh 980.after a price reduction,the new price was sh 857.50,what was the percentage reduction in price(4 marks)
b)Sh 770 are divided among A,B and C so the A has her twice as much as B and B has one and a half time as much as C ,find the amount of A’s share(6 marks)
5a)A T.V set costs sh 109,600 on hire purchase price,mrs kasyoka buys the set on hire purchase terms and pays sh 22,600 as down payment.Te balance is to be paid in 10 equal installments
b)How much will he pay per month(6 marks)
c)If hire purchase price is 10% more than the cash price,what would she have saved if she paid cash(4 marks)
6a)A box contains 3 red balls,7 balls and 2 green balls.A ball is taken at random,what is the probability of it being-
i)red (2 marks)
ii)Yellow (2 marks)
iii)Not red (2 marks)
iv)Neither red nor green (2 marks)
b)Explain the following terms-
i)probability (2 marks)
ii)out come (2 marks)
iii)an event (2 marks)
iv)an experiment (2 marks)
v)additional rule of probability (2 marks)
vi)multiplication rule (2 marks)

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