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Diploma Course In Management Section Ii Dcm 201 Question Paper

Diploma Course In Management Section Ii Dcm 201 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2012

1a)Discuss the paradigm shift that has taken place in the development of financial management as a discipline(15 marks)
b)Explain the role of a finance manager in a service industry(5 marks)
2a)Define dividend policy (2 marks)
b)Explain four sources of finance (10 marks)
c)Discuss the relevance of Nairobi stock exchange in Kenyan economy(8 marks)
3a)State the assumptions of breakeven analysis (5 marks)
b)Discuss why mergers and acquisitions are becoming more common in the world today (15 marks)
4a)Explain the factors affecting cost of capital(10 marks)
b)Shareholders always complain that they are not rewarded well on their investments as a finance expert how can you solve this problem(10 marks)
5)”Cash is no different from any other asset if it is not being utilized properly,it is going to result in lower profits”discuss this statement in particular referring to the motives of holding cash(20 marks)

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