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Diploma Course In Management Section Ii Dcm 201 Question Paper

Diploma Course In Management Section Ii Dcm 201 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2012

1a)Financial management is a concoction of many other discipline/subjects.discuss(10 marks)
b)In what ways is the wealth maximization objectives superior to the profit maximization objectives,explain(10 marks)
2)Define the term gearing and briefly explain the limitations of gearing to a company(6 marks)
3a)Distinguish between and a capital market and money market(6 marks)
b)Explain the three forms of market efficiency (6 marks)
c)What is meant by the term efficient portfolio,explain(2 marks)
4a)What factors may affect the type of finance being sourced by a limited company(6 marks)
b)What is a debenture?explain the main features of a debenture(6 marks)
c)Explain the pros and cons of equity financing(8 mrks)
5a)What is meant by dividend policy?explain four main types of dividend policy(8 marks)
b)Explain the advantages and disadvantages of stock dividends to the issuing company(4 marks)

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