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Diploma Course In Management Section Ii Dcm 201 Question Paper

Diploma Course In Management Section Ii Dcm 201 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2011

1a)i)What is a queue ( 1 mark)
ii)What is the difference between waiting time and total time in the system(2 marks)
iii)List three characteristics of a simple queue (3 marks)
b)Distinguish the following terms as used in network analysis:
i)activity and event (2 marks)
ii)path and critical path ( 2 marks)
iii)total float and free float (2 marks)
2)Distinguish between transport and assignment as used in resource allocation(5 marks)
3)Define the following terms:
i)marginal revenue (1 mark)
ii)margin cost (1 mark)
iii)break even point( 1 mark)
iv)target profit ( 1 mark)
4a)Explain the three decision making environments(3 marks)
b)Explain four limitations of decision tree approach (2 marks)
5a)Explain five assumptions of the economic order quantity model(5 marks)
b)Distinguish between minimization and maximization problems(3 marks)

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