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Human Anatomy Question Paper

Human Anatomy 

Course:Bachelor Of Medicine And Bachelor Of Surgery

Institution: University Of Nairobi question papers

Exam Year:2011


DATE: 11TH NOVEMBER, 2011 TIME: 2.00PM-3.30PM
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Question 1
The Ligament that resists excessive medial rotation at the hip joint is
A. The ischiofemoral ligament
B. The pubofemoral ligament
C. The iliofemoral ligament
D. The ligamentum teres
Question 2
Select the INCORRECT statement regarding the femur
A. Shenton’s line is formed by lower border of the neck of the femur and the lower border of the obturator foramen
B. The nutrient artery supplies the shaft and is a branch of the profunda femoris
C. The angle of inclination is smaller in females
D. The femoral offset angle refers to the angle of femoral anteversion

Question 3
In the popliteal fossa, the CORRECT statement
A. The middle genicular artery supplies extracapsular structures
B. The lymph nodes within it drain the medial aspect of the leg
C. The extents of the popliteal artery are from the adductor hiatus to the upper border of politeus
D. In a supracondylar fracture, the distal fragment is displaced posteriorly
Question 4
During the single support phase of the normal stride, one limb is in stance while the other is in swing phase. The pelvis must be tilted towards the limb in stance to elevate the swing limb off the ground. This is the lateral balance control. The integrity of the lateral balance control is interfered by all the following except:
A. Paralysis of the gluteus medius
B. Dislocated hip joint
C. Interference of the neck-shaft angle of the femur
D. Injury to the inferior gluteal nerve
Question 5
Muscles active during extension of the hip include all the following except
A. Semitendinosus
B. Adductor magnus
C. Gluteus minimus
D. Gluteus maximus
Question 6
Regarding loss of sensation over the femoral triangle, which spinal level is affected?
A. L5
B. L2
C. L4
D. S1

Question 7
During repair of an aneurysm within the adductor canal, all the following structures are encountered EXCEPT
A. Descending genicular artery
B. Posterior division of the obturator nerve
C. Saphenous nerve
D. Profunda femoris artery
Question 8
The following structures pass through the greater sciatic foramen EXCEPT
A. Tendon of oburator internus muscle
B. Pirifomis muscle
C. Pudendal nerve
D. Inferior gluteal vein
Question 9
The following muscles have dual innervation EXCEPT
A. Pectineus
B. Adductor magnus
C. Biceps femoris
D. Adductor brevis
Question 10
The lymph drainage of the skin covering the buttock is?
A. Medial group of horizontal inguinal nodes
B. Vertical group of the inguinal nodes
C. Superior gluteal nodes
D. Lateral group of the horizontal nodes

Question 11
INCORRECTLY matched boundary of the femoral ring
A. Anteriorly- inguinal ligament
B. Laterally- femoral vein
C. Medially- pectineal line
D. Posteriorly- pectineal fascia
Question 12
Adduction-abduction at the hip occurs along the
A. Antero-posterior axis
B. Tranverse axis
C. Vertical axis
D. All the above depending on the position of the hip at the time of movement
Question 13
The Hiltons law states that;
A. A joint is innervated by the nerves around it
B. Muscles and the skin over a joint are innervated by the same nerve
C. A nerve that innervates a joint also innervates the muscles that act on that joint
D. Arteries usually anastomose around joints

Question 14
The nerve INCORRECTLY matched with its root value
A. Obturator nerve: L2,3,4
B. Inferior gluteal L5,S1,2
C. Femoral nerve L2,3,4
D. Posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh L5, S1, 2, 3

Question 15
The cruciate anastomosis, the CORRECT statement,
A. Is located at the level of the anterior superior iliac spine
B. It joins the internal and external iliac vessels
C. Formed by the ascending branches of the lateral and medial circumflex femoral arteries
D. Is the same as the trochanteric anastomosis

Question 16
Named tributaries of the long saphenous vein include all of the following EXCEPT
A. Superficial epigastric vein
B. Posterior arch vein
C. Anterolateral vein of the calf
D. Deep external pudendal vein
Question 18
The lateral cutaneous nerve of the calf, the FALSE statement
A. Root value; L2,3
B. Compression mainly occurs following its entrapment by the inguinal ligament
C. Symptoms, parethesia over the areas it supplies (meralgia paraethethetica), extends beyond the knee
D. Symptoms are exacerbated by wearing tight belts and during extension of the hip
Question 19
Regarding the psoas major muscle, the CORRECT statement
A. Forms the floor of the femoral triangle, with the vein anterior to it
B. Is a weak flexor of the hip joint
C. Is a lateral rotator of the hip
D. Arises from the iliac fossa

Question 20
Which of the following best defines the mid-inguinal point?
A. Midway between the anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic symphysis
B. Midway between the anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic tubercle
C. Both and A and B
D. Runs parallel to the mid-clavicular line

Question 21
Which of the following does not contain both sensory and motor nerves?
A. Dorsal root
B. Anterior ramus
C. Obturator nerve
D. Spinal nerve proper
Question 22
Regarding the anatomical position of the pelvis, select the INCORRECT statement
A. The pubic tubercle and the anterior superior iliac spine are in one vertical plane
B. The pubic symphysis and the ischial spines are in the same horizontal plane
C. The pubic symphysis and the anterior superior iliac spine are in the same horizontal plane
D. The pelvic cavity slopes posteriorly at angle of about 45° to the abdominal cavity
Question 23
Which of the following contributes the most to the blood supply of the head of the femur in adults?
A. Trochanteric anastomosis
B. Longitudinal anastomosis
C. Acetabular branch of the obturator artery
D. Nutrient artery to the femur

Question 24
The safest site for intragluteal injection of drugs is the?
A. Lower outer quadrant
B. The middle zone, the most fleshy region in the gluteal region
C. Upper outer quadrant
D. Any of the above
Question 25
The correct order of the neurovascular structures located within the femoral triangle from medial to lateral is?
A. Femoral nerve- femoral vein-femoral artery
B. Femoral artery- femoral nerve-femoral vein
C. Femoral vein-femoral artery-femoral nerve
D. Femoral vein-femoral nerve-femoral artery
Question 26
The following structures are attached to the anterior superior iliac spine EXCEPT
A. Sartorius
B. Fascia lata
C. Inguinal ligament
D. The iliofemoral ligament of bigelow
Question 27
Regarding the short head of biceps, all of the following are false EXCEPT?
A. Arise from linea aspera
B. Extends the hip
C. Innervation from the tibial nerve
D. Superomedial border of popliteal fossa

Question 28
The INCORRECT statement regarding the adductor canal
A. Saphenous nerve passes within it
B. A twig from the obturator nerve is a content
C. Vastus lateralis forms the anterolateral wall
D. Adductor magnus lies in the floor
Question 29
The following muscles are supplied by the anterior division of the obturator nerve EXCEPT
A. Gracilis
B. Pectineus
C. Adductor brevis
D. Adductor magnus
Question 30
The most unstable position of the hip joint is?
A. Extended joint
B. Flexed and adducted position
C. Adducted and extended position
D. All the above
Question 31
The iliotibial tract, select the INCORRECT statement
A. Is a lateral thickening of the fascia lata
B. Has its distal attachment at the lateral epicondyle of the femur
C. Gives attachment to the tensor fascia latae and the gluteus maximus
D. Maintains the knee in the hyperextended state with minimal energy expenditure

Question 32
The following nerves take part in the formation of the patella plexus EXCEPT
A. Medial femoral nerve
B. Intermediate femoral nerve
C. The saphenous nerve
D. Sural nerve

Question 33
Choose the CORRECT statement
A. In the anatomical position, the body is in a fetal position
B. The plane of reference that divides the body into anterior and posterior portions is saggital
C. A body system is composed of a group of organs that function together
D. The zygote undergoes meiosis

Question 34
The following occur in spermiogenesis except
A. Golgi phase
B. Cap phase
C. Formation of the tail
D. Spermiation

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