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Human Anatomy Question Paper

Human Anatomy 

Course:Bachelor Of Pharmacy

Institution: University Of Nairobi question papers

Exam Year:2011


Date: June 30, 2011 Time: 9.00 a.m. – 11.00am

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1. The outer layer of meninges is
a. Dura
b. Pia
c. Arachnoid
d. Periosteum

2. Number of pairs spinal nerves is
a. 8
b. 12
c. 31
d. 14

3. Which of the following functional areas of the cerebral cortex is INCORRECTLY matched with the lobe?
a. Frontal - Cognitive Functions
b. Parietal - Somatic Sensations
c. Occipital – Visual Perception
d. Temporal – Motor Speech

4. The following form the pelvic bone EXCEPT?
a. Pubis
b. Sacrum
c. Ileum
d. Ischium

5. The movements of the upper limb include all the following EXCEPT?
a. Supination
b. Ulnar deviation
c. Opposition
d. Eversion
6. Which of the following nerves of the upper limb does NOT supply the hand?
a. Axillary
b. Radial
c. Median
d. Ulna
7. The following is NOT a content of the middle mediastinum
a. Pericardium
b. Heart
c. Phrenic nerves
d. Esophagus

8. The following best describes the right lung EXCEPT?
a. Cardiac notch
b. Horizontal fissure
c. Three lobes
d. Shorter

9. The following are contents of the intercostal spaces EXCEPT?
a. Innermost intercostal muscles
b. Posterior intercostal vein
c. Intercostal nerve
d. Deep intercostal artery

10. A content of the anterior neck triangle
a. Thyroid gland
b. Spinal accessory nerve
c. Suboccipital nodes
d. Trapezius muscle

11. Correctly matched cutaneous innervation of scalp and face
a. Ophthalmic – lower jaw
b. Mandibular – zygoma
c. Maxillary – forehead
d. Occiput – cervical nerves

12. The following is a primary muscle of mastication
a. Orbicularis oris
b. Temporalis
c. Anterior belly of digastric
d. Buccinator

13. Choose the INCORRECT statement regarding sinusoids
a. Are usually tortuous
b. Are found in the liver
c. Permit rapid material exchange in tissues
d. Their basal lamina is continuous

14. The INCORRECT match for cell type and function in respiratory system is
a. Pneumocyte type II – regeneration of alveolar epithelium
b. Clara cell – production of surface active material
c. Goblet cell – serous secretion
d. Small granule cell – neuroendocrine secretion

15. In immotile cilia syndrome there is;
a. High vulnerability to chronic respiratory infections
b. High fertility index
c. There is no effect on embryogenesis
d. Spontaneous recovery with growth

16. Which of the following is NOT a component of the blood-air barrier
a. Alveolar epithelium
b. Basal lamina of capillary endothelium
c. Inter-alveolar septum
d. Capillary endothelium

17. In the nose choose a feature present in olfactory but absent in respiratory mucosa
a. Seromucous glands
b. Nerve bundles
c. Goblet cells
d. Basal cells

18. Select the INCORRECT statement regarding the wall of the larynx
a. Is lined by pseudostratified columnar epithelium with goblet cells
b. Is lined by stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelium
c. Lamina propria comprises dense regular connective tissue
d. Contains elastic cartilage

19. In the tongue
a. The ventral surface is lined by keratinized stratified epithelium
b. Intrinsic muscles insert onto the connective tissue
c. Pericircumvallate grooves have openings of sublingual ducts
d. Lymphoid tissue is confined to lingual tonsils

20. Regarding the hypophysis cerebri
a. Some acidophil adenomas cause galactorrhoea
b. Gonadotrotropins are produced by chromophobes
c. The hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal system delivers oxytocin
d. Pituicytes are the source of vasopressin

21. Androgen are produced in all the following EXCEPT?
a. Testis
b. Ovary
c. Zona glomerulosa of adrenal glands
d. Zona reticularis of suprarenal glands

22. In the eyeball choose the INCORRECT statement
a. The lattice arrangement of the middle corneal layer contributes to its transparency
b. Anterior corneal epithelium is keratinized stratified squamous
c. Diabetes mellitus is a frequent cause of lens opacity
d. The posterior iridal epithelium is rich in melanocytes

23. Cells of the cerebral cortex which give rise to corticospinal tract;
a. Are found in layer V
b. Are found in layer III
c. Giant granule cells
d. Are association neurons

24. Cerebellar dysfunction characteristics include all the following EXCEPT?
a. Tremors at rest
b. Intention tremors
c. Nystagmus
d. Dysarthria

25. Amina presented with a burning sensation on the skin of lower abdominal wall. Later it developed a band of vesicular eruptions confined to a dermatome. Her doctor diagnosed herpes zoster ganglionitis at T12. Cell types found in a ganglion include all EXCEPT?
a. Pseudounipolar neurons
b. Schwann cells
c. Neurosatellite
d. Astrocytes

26. Neuroglial cells INCORRECTLY matched for their function
a. Macroglia – phagocytosis
b. Ependymal cells – production of cerebrospinal fluid
c. Oligodendrocytes – myelination
d. Astrocytes – determination of synaptic patterns

27. Choose the FALSE statement regarding myoepithelial cells
a. They have autonomic innervation
b. Are found in lacrimal glands
c. Are usually secretory in large glands
d. Have abundant mitochondria

28. Choose the INCORRECT statement about bone
a. Periosteum has a cellular layer
b. Periosteum is tethered by Sharpey’s fibres
c. Osteoclasts resorb bone matrix
d. Contains predominantly collagen type II

29. The intervertebral disc
a. Is made of fibrocartilage
b. The nucleus pulposus is a remnant of primitive streak
c. The cartilage has perichondrium
d. Regeneration is enhanced by exercise
30. Long distance sailors are known to develop muscle pain and bleeding gums. The defect which causes this is;
a. Poor hydroxylation of proline and lysine during collagen synthesis
b. Rapid turnover of collagen
c. Poor oxygen supply in the ocean
d. Retarded polymerization of collagen fibrils

31. Epithelial type INCORRECTLY matched with occurrence
a. Transitional – distal urethra
b. Pseudostratified columnar – bronchioles
c. Simple squamous – Pleura
d. Simple cuboidal – Inactive thyroid follicles

32. The lactating mammary glands
a. Alveolar cells are devoid of smooth endoplasmic reticulum
b. The lactiferous sinuses are lined by stratified squamous epithelium
c. Milk synthesis is stimulated by oxytocin
d. It contains many defence cells

33. Sweat glands
a. Are excretory organs
b. The lining epithelium is ciliated
c. Eccrine ones in the axilla produce pheromones
d. Is a constituent of pilosebaceous unit

34. In the skin the cell types INCORRECTLY matched with their function
a. Langerhan cells – Phagocytosis
b. Merkel cells – Chemoreceptor
c. Melanocytes – Melanin production
d. Keratinocytes- Protection

35. The organelle which is involved in posttranslational modification of proteins is?
a. Mitochondrion
b. Lysosomes
c. Peroxisomes
d. Golgi apparatus

36. Function correctly matched with the MOST distinctive cellular feature is?
a. Active ion transport – Basal lamina invagination
b. Protein synthesis – Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
c. Phagocytosis – Lysosomes
d. Steroid synthesis – Rough endoplasmic reticulum

37. All about spermatogenesis are correct EXCEPT?
a. Seminiferous tubules have active as well as resting portions
b. Sertoli cells phagocytose excess cytoplasm of sperms
c. Sperms are maximally motile in the epididymis
d. Spermatozoa are passively transported through efferent tubules

38. During oogenesis, the first meiotic division is completed;
a. During fertilization
b. Early female embryonic life
c. During ovulation
d. Early neonatal life

39. The day implantation commences in a normal menstrual cycle is?
a. Day 14
b. Day 20
c. Day 26
d. Day 9

40. Regarding the notochord, the following is true EXCEPT?
a. Induce development of the neurotube
b. Share in the formation of inter-vertebral disc
c. Precordal plate is the future oropharyngeal structure
d. Shrinkage of the primitive streak is associated with shrinkage of the notochord

41. All can cause oligohydramnios EXCEPT?
a. Renal agenesis
b. Anencephaly
c. Placental insufficiency
d. Premature rapture of membranes

42. Method of transportation of immunoglobulins across the placenta is
a. Simple fusion
b. Phagocytosis
c. Active diffusion
d. Facilitated diffusion

43. After normal delivery of the baby, there may be difficulties in delivering the placenta associated with uncontrolled uterine bleeding. This is most likely to be due to?
a. Placenta previa
b. Placenta percreta
c. Battledore placenta
d. Placenta velamentosa

44. All are derivative of ectoderm EXCEPT?
a. Suprarenal cortex
b. Sweat glands
c. Spinal ganglia
d. Pituitary gland

45. Extensor muscles of the back are derived from which of the following?
a. Neurocrest cells
b. Hypomeres
c. Epimeres
d. Mesencyme of branchial arches

46. Icthyosis is?
a. Excessive keratinization
b. Excessive pigmentation
c. Abnormally located hair
d. Excessive sebaceous glands

47. Achondroplasia is due to?
a. Defective epiphyseal growth plate
b. Defect in collagen deposition in cartilage
c. Defective deposition of ground substance
d. Defective vascularization of cartilage

48. All are characteristics of mesenchymal cell EXCEPT?
a. Ability to differentiate to other types of cells
b. They are migratory
c. They exhibit cell process
d. The main source is the notochord

49. Inferior parathyroid is developed from which pharyngeal pouch?
a. 1st pharyngeal pouch
b. 2nd pharyngeal pouch
c. 3rd pharyngeal pouch
d. 4th pharyngeal pouch

50. Muscles of the tongue are mostly derived from?
a. Pre-auotic myotomes
b. Occipital myotomes
c. Local mesenchyme
d. Neural crest cells

51. Branchial fistula is due to?
a. Defective closure of the cervical sinus
b. Degeneration of the 5th branchial arch
c. Failure of closure the thyroglosal duct
d. Failure of disappearance of Merkel’s cartilage

52. The following limb anomaly is INCORRECTLY matched with description
a. Meromelia – partial absence defects
b. Phocomelia – absence of intermediate
c. Brachydactyly – duplication defect
d. Clubfoot – plantarflexion and inversion

53. Meningomyelocele is?
a. A spinal bifida oculta
b. Protrusion of meninges
c. Protrusion of meninges and spinal cord
d. Exposure of the spinal cord

54. All are cause of postnatal growth of the brain EXCEPT?
a. Myelination
b. Increase processing of glial cells
c. Multiplication of neurocytes
d. Increase processes of neurocytes

55. The first flexure to appear in the neurotube is?
a. Cervical flexure
b. Midbrain flexure
c. Pontine flexure
d. Forebrain flexure

56. The first commissure to appear is?
a. Corpus calossum
b. Optic chiasma
c. Anterior commissure
d. Hippocampal commissure

57. The number of alveoli at birth is?
a. One sixth of the adult number
b. Equal adult number
c. Half adult number
d. One third of adult number

58. Respiratory distress syndrome is due to defect in?
a. Surfactant
b. Polyhradramnios
c. Function of alveoli cell type 1
d. Development of chest wall muscles

59. A malformation of the lung was diagnosed during routine examination. This is likely to be?
a. Absence of one lung
b. Tracheal-esophageal fistula
c. Bilateral hypoplasia of the lung
d. Tracheomalacia

60. All the following are key events during limb development EXCEPT?
a. Apoptosis
b. Epitheliomesenchymal interaction
c. Rotation
d. Opposition

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