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Nrsg 111:Nursing Question Paper

Nrsg 111:Nursing 

Course:Bachelor Of Medicine And Bachelor Of Surgery

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013




• Answer all questions in section A, B & C in the booklet provided
Question One
The following is not a water based disease
(a) Typhoid
(b) Roundworms
(c) Whipworms
(d) Schistosomiasis

Question Two
The following is a health promotion activity
(a) Rehabilitation
(b) Environmental sanitation
(c) Prompt treatment
(d) Provision of adequate housing

Question Three
All of the following are Socratic Method of health education except
(a) Mass media
(b) Seminars
(c) Interviews
(d) Open forums

Question Four
The following is a direct mode of disease transmission
(a) Airborne
(b) Vector borne
(c) Formites
(d) Droplets infection

Question Five
The best waste (human) disposal method in an area where water table is high is
(a) Pit latrines
(b) Ventilated pit latrines
(c) Bucket latrines
(d) Septic tanks

Question Six
Variables essential in the attainment of food security include
(a) Food availability, food access, food utilization
(b) Food access, food sustainability, population size and growth
(c) Climate changes, population size and growth, food availability
(d) Population growth rate, economy food type.

Question Seven
Methods of cleansing water include all of the following except;
(a) Storage
(b) Filtration
(c) Sterilization
(d) Condensation

Question Eight
Following are measures of disease occurrence in the community
(a) Attack rate
(b) Pandemic rate
(c) Prevalence rate
(d) Incidence rate

Question Nine
Strategies for protection of the host from disease include
(a) Immunization, isolation, better nutrition.
(b) Chemoprophylaxis, immunization, vector control.
(c) Immunization, better nutrition and reservoir control
(d) Vector control, contact tracing, better nutrition.

Question Ten
Control measures of communicable diseases includes
(a) Increasing immunization coverage, disease notification and appropriate treatment of the sick.
(b) Use of insecticide treated mosquito nets, disease notification and use of condoms
(c) Personal hygiene, disease notification and use of insecticide treated nets.
(d) Increasing immunization coverage, use of pit latrines, appropriate treatment of the sick.

Question Eleven
The following are objectives of community health except
(a) Decreasing the mobility rate
(b) Increasing mental, physical and social well being of individuals
(c) Providing total well being to enrich quality life
(d) Instituting detection tests of disease and examinations

For question 12 – 14
Indicate whether the following statement is true or false (½mark each)
Question Twelve
In regard to levels of prevention
(a) Immunization is a tertiary prevention activity.
(b) Early diagnosis and prompt treatment is a primary prevention strategy
(c) Secondary prevention focus on the terminal/later stages of clinical disease
(d) Primary prevention is true prevention because it preceeds disease or dysfunction and is applied to patients considered physically and emotionally healthy.

Question Thirteen
The principles of epidemiology include
(a) Identification of determinants of disease so as to enable prevention
(b) Evaluation of methods used to cure disease
(c) Provision of data necessary for planning and evaluation of health care
(d) Description of the natural history of disease

Question Fourteen
Concerning epidemiological studies;
(a) Descriptive epidemiology elicits data on causes and effects of the disease
(b) Prospective survey begins with a disease or a condition and watching it over a period of time to see what develops.
(c) Analytical epidemiology studies describes the distribution of disease in the population
(d) In retrospective survey the epidemiologist changes the variables to see what happens .

SECTION C: Short Answer Questions (43 marks)
Question One
Discuss three components of health education (9 marks)

Question Two
State four factors that determine the health of the community. (4 marks)

Question Three
Safe and clean water is a prime necessity for life:
(a) State four characteristics of portable water. (4 marks)
(b) Discuss the following classifications of water pollutants
i. Point source pollutant (4 marks)
ii. Non-point source pollutant (4 marks)

Question Four
Explain the three levels of disease prevention (9 marks)

Question Five
Explain the three components that form the epidemiological triad. (9 marks)

• Long Answer Questions (40 marks)
Question One
Social economic factors can contribute to poor health of an individual and the community;
(a) Define the term community. (2 marks)
(b) Identify three social economic factors that can influence poor health of a community. (3 marks)
(c) Discuss how the three factors identified above can influence the health of the community. (15 marks)

Question Two
All people need to access enough quality food for an active health life;
(a) Discuss factors that lead to food insecurity. (14 marks)
(b) State six strategies that can be used to improve food security in the country. (6 marks)

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