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Nrsg 111:Nursing Question Paper

Nrsg 111:Nursing 

Course:Bachelor Of Medicine And Bachelor Of Surgery

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2014




Instructions: Answer all question in the answer booklet provided

Question One
An important role of the community health nurse in prevention and control of disease
A. Advising and eliminating of disease causing vectors.
B. Conducting strong health education
C. Explaining to the individual, families, groups and community the nature of the disease
D. All of the above

Question Two
Which step in community organizing involves training of potential leaders in the community?
A. Integration
B. Community organization
C. Community study
D. Core group formation
Question Three
The primary goal of community health nursing is
A. To support and supplement the efforts of the medical profession in the promotion of health and prevention of illness
B. To enhance the capacity of individual families and community to cope with their health needs.
C. To increase the productivity of the people by providing them with services that will increase their level of health
D. To contribute to national development through promotion of family welfare, focusing particularly on modern and children.

Question Four
Tertiary prevention is needed in which stage of the natural history of diseases
A. Pre-pathogenesis
B. Pathogenesis
C. Predromal
D. Terminal

Question Five
An example of an airborne disease is
A. Measles
B. Diphtheria
C. Viral conjunction
D. Acute poliomylitis

Question Six
The most effective way of controllingschistosomiasis in an endemic area is
A. Use of molluscicides
B. Building of foot bridges
C. Proper use of sanitary toilets
D. Use of protective footwear e.g. rubber boots

Question Seven
Secondary prevention of malaria include.
A. Planting of eucalyptus tree
B. Residual spraying of insecticides at night
C. Determining whether a place is endemic or not
D. Growing larva-eating fish in mosquito breeding places.

Question Eight
Which of the following is a natality rate
A. Crude birth rate
B. Neonatal mortality rate
C. Infant mortality rate
D. General fatilityrate

Question Nine
State in which of a person’s physical, emotional intellectual and social development or spiritual functioning is diminished or impaired compared with a previous experience is
A. Illness
B. Disease
C. Health
D. Wellness

Question Ten
The following contributes to host susceptibility except
A. Creed
B. Immunization
C. Current medical being taken
D. Color of the skin

Question Eleven
Excessive alcohol intake is what type of risk factor
A. Genetics
B. Age
C. Environment
D. Lifestyle

Question Twelve
The most serious environmental effect posed by hazardous waste is
A. Air pollution
B. Contamination of ground water
C. Destruction of habitat
D. Increased use of land for landfills

Question Thirteen
The harm from depletion of the earth’s ozone layer is
A. The average temperature of earth surface gradually
B. Increased amount of ultraviolet radiation will reach earth’s surface
C. The oxygen constant of the atmosphere will decrease
D. Sea levels will rise as the polar ice caps will gradually melt.

Question Fourteen
Epidemiologist areinterested in learning about
A. The cause of disease and how to cure them
B. Frequency and geographic distribution of diseases
C. The casual relationship between diseases
D. All of the above

Question Fifteen
Communication diseases
A. Are genetic conditions passed through family
B. Patients communicates conditions to a doctor
C. Diseases that are contagious and can be transmitted from one source to another.
D. A patient contract a condition from a health care provider

Question Sixteen
State whether the following statement are true T or false F in regard to community health
a) Community health nursing was formally known as public health nursing and home health nursing
b) An epidemic is a disease occurring over a wide geographical area and affecting a high proportion of the population
c) An endemic is an occurrence of disease clearly in excess of normal expectation
d) Oral epidemiology is the study of disease and health in population
e) Environmental epidemiology is the study of disease and health in population
f) Environmental epidemiology is the study of disease and the conditions linked to indoor factories

Question Seventeen
Match the description of diseased in column A with the correct disease in column B.

I. Transmitted by intestinal discharge a) Mumps
II. Fever, headache, swllen saliva glands b) Cholera
III. Yellowish of skin and whitish eyes c) Malaria
IV. Transmitted by a mosquito bite d) Hepatitis
V. Bacteria disease that usually affects the lungs, cough, fatigue might sweats, fever, and weight loss e) Tuberculosis
f) Pneumonia

SECTION C: Answer all question

Question One
Define the following terms
a) Community health nursing
b) Epidemiology
c) Communicable disease

Question Two
Differentiate between the following terms
a) Birth rate and death rate
b) Morbidity and mortality
c) Air borne disease and vector borne diseases

Question Three
Describe the three factors that form the epidemiological tract.

Question Four
Stat four basic functions of a community health nurse. (4mks)

Question Five
Explain two models that describe the concept of health and illness. (4mks )

Question Six
List four constituents of biological environment. (2mks)

Question Seven
State two components of health education. (2mks)

Question eight
Stat four control measure for the spread of jiggers. (4mks)

Question Nine
State four health effects of chemical pollution to an individual. (4mks)

Question Ten
State three reason why health workers need information population. (4mks)

Question One
Health of an individual community or society is a broad concept for which health care practitioner focus in their profession.
a) Define the term health. (2mks)
b) Discuss various factors that affect the health of an individual, society or groups of people. (18mks)

Question Two
The environment is a hazard free condition and a great asset to health
a) Define environmental health. (2mks)
b) Describe how the following environmental factors affect the health of a community
(i) Air pollution. (5mks)
(ii) Water pollution. (5mks)
(iii) Food security. (5mks)
c) State three negative effects of poor environment on the economy of a nation.

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