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Hsmu 374:Health Systems And Management Question Paper

Hsmu 374:Health Systems And Management 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2014

Question One
Outline and briefly discuss the steps of competency based curriculum development for achievement of successes in the Health Training Institution.
Question Two
Briefly discuss the task analysis process that determine the relevance of
curriculum being implemented by health training institutions. (10marks)
Question Three
Effective implementation of a good lesson plan in traditional teaching processes requires the teacher to apply special skills known as micro-teaching skills. Precisely discuss how you would apply micro-teaching skills. (10marks)
Question Four
The funnel board is an example of non-projected teaching aids; in brief describe its functionality, advantages and disadvantages of using it as a teaching aid. (10marks)
SECTION B (60marks)
Question Five
Health training institutions like any other organizations needs to be adaptable to changing circumstances. These changes will touch on organizational structure, operations and schedules. Discuss using examples the various mechanisms for developing and changing training institutions in order to meet new challenges in training of health personnel for strengthened health systems.

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