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Comp 100: Computer Applications Question Paper

Comp 100: Computer Applications 

Course:Computer Applications

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011




INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1

a) Define the following terms:-

i) Data

ii) Information

iii) Information systems

iv) CPU

v) ALU (10marks)

b) Describe the key functions of the computer control unit. (4marks)

c) List the main classifications of printers. (3marks)

d) Convert 26B to megabytes. (2marks)

e) Explain what is meant by a software program. (2marks)

f) Define Batch and online processing. (4marks)

g) List Three types of input devices. (3marks)

h) Define computer networks. (2marks)

Question 2

a) Describe the factors that influence the speed of a computer operation. (8marks)

b) With examples describe the following types of information systems. (12marks)

i) TPS

ii) MIS

iii) DSS

iv) ESS

Question 3

a) Explain the following concepts of data process hardcopy and soft copy and with a diagram show the data processing cycle. (10marks)

b) How would you recognize a computer that is infected by viruses. (5marks)

c) What are the advantages of electronic bata processing systems? (5marks)

Question 4

a) What are the functions of telecommunication systems. (4marks)

b) Explain the difference between Analog and digital. (4marks)

c) With the help of a diagram show and explain the various components of telecommunication systems. (12marks)

Question 5

a) Describe two types of Network topologies. (8marks)

b) Describe the following Networks. (12marks)

i) Bus Topology

ii) Star Topology

iii) Mesh Topology

iv) Hybrid Topology

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