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Sbt2354:Agronomy Ii Question Paper

Sbt2354:Agronomy Ii 

Course:Bachelor Of Crop Protection

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2013

a) Define the following terms; i. Germination (2 Marks) ii. After ripening (11/2 Mark) iii. Seed viability ( 2 Marks) iv. Seed vigour (2 Marks) b) Distinguish between the following; i. Epigeal and hypogeal germination ( 2 Marks) ii. Magasporogenesis and megagametogenesis ( 3 Marks) iii. Pre-basic and basic seeds ( 2 Marks) iv. Breeders seed and certified seed ( 2 Marks) c) Choice of variety is an important factor to consider in any crop enterprise. What criteria would you base on to select cowpeas variety for a given agro-ecological zone (AEZ) ( 3 Marks) d) Sweet potato weevil (cylas punticollis and cylas brunneus) is the most serious pest in sweet potato production. i. What symptoms would you observe to say it is sweet potato weevil ( 2 Marks) ii. What control measure would you recommend ( 2 Marks) e) What do you understand by the following terms as applied in coffee cultivation and processing; i. Cherry ii. Parchment coffee iii. Clean or green coffee ( 41/2 Marks) f) Why do you think there is need for post harvest preservations ( 2 Marks)
a) Briefly explain how light and the phytochrome pigment interaction inhibit or promote germination in light sensitive seeds. ( 4 Marks) b) Briefly explain the ecological advantages of the light phytochrome system in the germination of; i. Small seeds which are deeply buried in the soil. ( 3 Marks) ii. Seeds which are underneath a tree canopy. ( 3 Marks)
c) (i) Define seed dormancy ( 2 Marks) (ii) What are the advantages of seed dormancy ( 2 Marks) (iii) What are the disadvantages of seed dormancy ( 2 Marks)
d) How would you break; i. Exogenous dormancy ( 2 Marks) ii. Endogenous dormancy ( 2 Marks)
a) What are the advantages of early planting in maize. ( 4 Marks) b) State and explain only 3 cultural practice used for weed control in maize (41/2 Marks) c) Explain how you would use integrated weed control method to control weed in maize (21/2 Marks) d) Explain with examples what you understand by push-pull technology in respect to the control of maize stalk borer ( 3 Marks) e) Maize lethal mecrosis (MLN) disease is a new disease in Kenya and poses severe threat to maize production; i. How the disease is transmitted ii. The symptoms of the disease iii. Control measures used ( 6 Marks) QUESTION FOUR– (20 MARKS)
a) State and explain the practices considered during field maintenance of banana (6 Marks) b) Panama disease is a fungal disease in banana production caused by fusarium oxysporum form cubense. ( 4 Marks) i. What are its symptoms ii. How will you control the disease c) (i) Write short notes on gap filling in sugarcane production ( 2 Marks) (ii) State and explain the factors affecting the sugarcane quality in sugar cane production ( 4 Marks) (iii) Sugarcane smut is caused by fungus ustilago scitamea. What are its symptoms and control measures ( 4 Marks)
a) (i) State the ways through which rodents cause damage to grains. ( 4 Marks) (ii) How can you control rodents ( 6 Marks) (iii) Explain what is entailed in seed certification. ( 10 Marks)

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