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Aha2101:Agriculture And Agronometry Question Paper

Aha2101:Agriculture And Agronometry 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Food Science And Nutrition

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2013

a) Explain the following terms. (10 Marks) i. Agriculture as an art. ii. Field capacity iii. Permanent wilting point iv. Photoperiodism v. Propeller anenometer b) Sustained agricultural growth is critical to growth of the national economy. Discuss the contribution of agriculture to Kenya’s national income and development. (10 Marks) c) A soil sample at field capacity weighs 241 grams. The soil is then oven dried at 105? for 24 hours and weighs 182 grams. Calculate the mass water content using the gravimetric method. (5 Marks) d) The Kenya meteorological department is the body mandated with the provision of meteorological information and services in Kenya. Highlight five (5) core functions of the department. (5 Marks)
a) Define the term agrometeorology and discuss two applications of agrometeorological information. (5 Marks) b) Describe features associated with the major agro-climatic zones in Kenya. (5 Marks)
c) You are presented with the following equation as an agrometeorological officer
? ???? =
? ????-?? +???????? ????-???? ???? ?+?? 1+ ???? ????

i. State the name of the equation and the parameter it is utilized to calculate. (2 Marks) ii. Define each of the components making up the equation. (8 Marks)
a) Discuss three applications of agrometeorological information. (10 Marks) b) Differentiate between a pyranometer, albedometer and net pyranometer stating the specific parameters they are used to measure. (5 Marks) c) Rainfall is one of the water elements that determine crop performance. What are the rainfall characteristics that can result in either success or crop failure? (5 Marks)
a) Wind erosion causes sand movement in three main stages. Discuss. (9 Marks) b) Discuss applications of agrometeorological information. (11 Marks)
a) Briefly explain the challenges developing world is facing in tackling global warming. (5 Marks) b) Agricultural research system in Kenya comprise of various categories of institutions. Discuss these institutions whose role is carrying out agricultural research services. (10 Marks) c) Distinguish between soil water content and soil water potential. (5 Marks)

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