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Szl2106:Zoology Question Paper


Course:Bachelor Of Science In Food Science And Nutrition

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2011

a. Mention the various types of vertebrae and their location in the vertebral column (2 marks) b. i) What is homeostasis? (2 Marks) ii) Feedback mechanisms have certain essential components. Elaborate (5 Marks) c. i) State, giving examples, any THREE functions of connective tissues. (3 Marks) ii) What are the characteristics of epithelium? (5 Marks) d. Cite any FOUR gas exchange structures that animals uses and their adaptations (4 Marks) e. Differentiate between: i) Ingestion and digestion ii) Amylases and proteases (2 Marks) f. Write short notes on the phylum Coelenterata/Cnidaria (2 marks)
(5 Marks)
a. Cites any THREE functions of the circulatory system (3 Marks) b. Differentiate , with appropriate examples , between : i. Open circulatory system (2 marks) ii. Closed circulatory system (2 Marks) c. Which three types of tissues are blood vessels made of? (3 Marks) d. Describe in details blood circulation through the heart in mammals (10 Marks)
a. What are the functions of each of the following structures in the male reproductive system? i. Seminal vesicles ii. Prostate gland iii. Epididymis iv. Vas deferens v. Testis (5 Marks) b. Discuss the hormones and changes that accompany the ovarian cycle (15 Marks)
a. Describe the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction (7 Marks) b. How is muscle contraction controlled? (7 Marks) c. Explain how muscles and bones interact (6 Marks)

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