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Ics2215:Information Technology Ii Question Paper

Ics2215:Information Technology Ii 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Food Science And Nutrition

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2013

(a) Differentiate between: (i) Serial transmission and parallel transmission. (2Marks) (ii) Program and algorithm (2Marks) (iii) Flow chart and pseudo code (2Marks) (b) A school intends to setup an internet connectivity for its daily use: (i) Explain four internet connectivity requirements the school will require. (4Marks) (ii) Explain four benefits the school will accrue from internet connectivity. (4Marks) (c) Explain the three levels of programming languages (9Marks) (d) Explain four rules applied while declaring a variable. (4Marks) (e) Define the following terms: (3Marks (i) Firewall (ii) Bandwidth (iii) Attenuation
QUESTION TWO 20 MARKS (a) There are three main types of network topologies namely; star, ring and bus. As a network administrator, you have been asked to produce a briefing document that discusses each topology in terms of its structure, advantages and disadvantages. Use a diagram. (12Marks)
(b) Fibre optic cable is an emerging technology in Kenya but is gaining popularity in major organizations. (8Marks)
(i) With an aid of a diagram, explain how fibre optics functions. (ii) Explain advantages of fibre optic cable. QUESTION THREE 20MARKS (a) Explain five major steps involved in developing an efficient program. (5Marks) (b) Define the term program flowchart and explain advantages of flow charts. (5Marks) (c) Design a flowchart to find the largest of the three numbers A,B and C. (5Marks) (d) Write a program that will solve the flowchart in part (b) above. (5Marks) QUESTION FOUR 20MARKS (a) Define the term algorithm and explain four qualities of a good algorithm. (5Marks) (b) Write an algorithm to find all the roots of a quadratic equation ax2+bx+c = 0 (5Marks) (c) Write a program that will solve the algorithm above (5Marks) (d) Explain five ways that makes a program more understandable and user friendly. (5Marks) QUESTION FIVE 20MARKS (a) Define the term transmission impairments. Explain three causes of data transmission impairments. (4Marks) (b) Explain the following error correction and detection techniques (6Marks) (i) Parity bit (ii) Cyclic redundancy check (c) In marks analysis, the teacher is required to capture the student name, marks scored the student has scored in five subjects. She is supposed to calculate the total and the average mark. The teacher assigns the grade according to the grading scheme below: Average marks grade 80-100 A 70-80 B 60-70 C BELOW 60 FAIL
(i) Design a flow chart using the above information. (6Marks)
(ii) Write a program to solve the above flowchart. (4Marks)

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