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Ics2215:Information Technology Ii Question Paper

Ics2215:Information Technology Ii 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Food Science And Nutrition

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2012

a. Differentiate between WAN and MAN. (2 Marks) b. Briefly explain the function of a router in computer networking. (3 Marks) c. Describe the following terms used in bus topology: (4 Marks) i. Signal bounce ii. terminator d. Differentiate between machine language and assembly language. (2 Marks) e. i. Write a pseudo code of a program to input dimension of a cylinder then calculate volume of the cylinder. Where volume = ??r2h (3 Marks) ii. Write a C++ program to represent the above pseudo code in question h i. (2 Marks) f. Briefly explain three factors to consider when selecting a cable for networking. (3 Marks) g. Describe the following terms as used in computer programming: (4 Marks) i. Variable ii. Array iii. Debug iv. Constant h. Differentiate between CSMA/CD and token passing access methods. (4 Marks) i. Briefly describe any three software used in office automation. (3 Marks)
a. ABC Company intend to network 20 computers using either peer-to-peer or server based network in one when choosing whether to implement peer-to-peer or server based network configuration. (6 Marks) b. Wireless communication enables transmission of data from one point to another without a physical connection between the components. Wireless transmission media include infrared and microwave transmission. Differentiate between the two indicating where each is applied and an advantage of each transmission. (4 Marks) c. Design a C++ program to input employee name, hours worked and rate per hour then calculate the basic pay = hours worked * rate per hour, tax is charged according to basic pay. If basic pay is greater than 200000, a tax of 10% of basic pay is charged, otherwise a tax of 5% is charged. Net salary=basic tax. The program should display employee name, basic salary, tax and net salary. (6 Marks) d. Explain the line of sight principle in wireless transmission. (2 Marks) e. Give two advantages of Mesh topology. (2 Marks)
a. Describe any two program design tools. (4 Marks) b. Write a C++ program to input student name, Maths, Science and English then calculate total and average marks, indicate pass when average is greater than 50 or otherwise fail remark. (6 Marks) c. Briefly describe any three data types used to declare C++ programming variables giving an example in each. (6 Marks) d. Explain the importance of the following on a network: (4 Marks) i. Repeater ii. Bridge
a. Explain attenuation rate and describe any two ways of reducing attenuation. (4 Marks) b. Differentiate between a compiler and an interpreter. (4 Marks) c. An organization would like to connect its local area network to the wide area network for transmitting high bandwidth data over a long distance with less electromagnetic interferences. Identify and justify the most appropriate bounded cable to be used by the organization. (6 Marks) d. A bank classify its customers depending on period of operating an account and outstanding balance to issued loan. Customers are classified as shown below:
Classification Loan Amount A Above 1000000 B 50000 - 100000 C 20000 - 500000 D Below 200000 Write a program to input customer name, classification and determine loan amount using switch.
(6 Marks)
a. An organization would like to connect 30 computer to a server to enable users to share resources such as a printer and applications stored in the server in a local area network. Describe with an aid of a diagram and justify the most appropriate network topology that can be used in the organization network system. (6 Marks) b. Given that a=10, b=5 and c=2 determine the values of X and Y in the following C++ programming statement. (4 Marks) i. X=2*a mod 4 +4(b-3)/sqrt(c+2) ii. Y=2?b+sqr(a+1)*c c. Write a program to prompt the user two numbers then output the largest and smallest number.(6 Marks) d. Outline four functions of a network operating system. (4 Marks)

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