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Afs2306:Beverage Technology Question Paper

Afs2306:Beverage Technology 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Food Science And Nutrition

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2013

a) (i) Based on appearance give two types of soft drinks ( 2 Marks) (ii) Briefly describe emulsion as used in beverage technology ( 3 Marks)
b) Why should water to be used for soda processing be of very high quality ( 5 Marks) c) Why is brix measurement useful in soft drinks and soda industries? (7 Marks) d) Explain what you understand by “syrup shrinkage” ( 3 Marks) e) Based on solubility, what are the different types of flavours used in sodas. ( 4 Marks) f) Use a well labeled diagram to show the main steps in manufacture of concentrated juice. ( 6 Marks)
a) Define the following: (10 Marks) i. Natural mineral water ii. Spring water iii. Flavoured water iv. Adsorbent regeneration v. Functional drinks b) Using examples, what is the difference between filtration and adsorption as used in water treatment? ( 4 Marks) c) Using diagrams differentiate dead-end filtration and cross-flow filtration ( 6 Marks)
a) Briefly explain the following as used in lager beers; i. The basis of weight loss during malting ii. Basis of stack fermentation in manufacture of wines. iii. Basis of spoilage of large beers and wines
( 9 Marks) b) Differentiate the following; ( 4 Marks) i. Rindling and disgorging ii. Gushing and head of beer
c) Differentiate between Pasteur effect and crab tree effect in fermented beverages. ( 4 Marks) d) Why would it be necessary to regenerate adsorbent used in wine processing? ( 3 Marks)
a) Explain how tea leaves harvesting and transportation may affect quality of final made black tea ( 6 Marks) b) With aid of diagrams. Discuss sorting and grading of black CTC teas . ( 6 Marks) c) Give benefits of drying fermented tea leaves. ( 8 Marks)
a) Describe how fermentation is done and its significance in coffee processing. ( 5 Marks) b) Describe washing and soaking as used in coffee processing. ( 4 Marks) c) Describe the six stages in drying wet patchment in coffee technology. ( 6 Marks) d) Describe coffee beans roasting as unit operations ( 5 Marks)

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