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Afs2301:Food Microbiology Ii Question Paper

Afs2301:Food Microbiology Ii 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Food Science And Nutrition

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2013

a) List any six potential sources of micro-organism in food product. ( 6 Marks) b) Discuss “intrinsic factors that affect microbial growth in foods”. ( 10 Marks) c) Discuss spoilage of fruits and vegetables. (8 Marks) d) Discuss surface sampling as used in microbial testing procedure and give at least 3 types of surface sampling methods. ( 6 Marks)
a) Under the following headings: Infection, Transmission, Symptoms and Control. Briefly discuss the following viruses of concern in the food industry. (12 Marks) i. Hepatitis A virus ii. Roto virus iii. Norwalk –like virus b) Briefly discuss five mould and 3 yeast genera of your choice that are important in the food industry. ( 8 Marks)

a) What do you understand by the term “ mycotoxins” as used in food microbiology. ( 3 Marks) b) Discuss how you could reduce mycotoxicosis in humans when you have detected some mould on your food. ( 5 Marks) c) “For an intestinal pathogen to cause an illness there are several hurdles it must overcome”. Discuss the hurdles. ( 8 Marks) d) Differentiate between pathogenecity and virulence as used in food toxicology. ( 4 Marks)
a) What is a microbiological risk assessment in food. ( 2 Marks) b) Discuss the four distinct steps used in microbial risk assessment process. (8 Marks) c) Why is it necessary to conduct microbial risk assessment in the food industry ( 8 Marks) d) “Microbial quality indicator organism” are of importance in the food industry. List at least six criteria such organism should meet. (6 Marks)
a) Differentiate the following terms; (4 Marks) i. Risk Analysis ii. Hazard Analysis b) Discuss pathogenecity of bacteria and clearly bring out the difference between pathogenecity of gram positive and gram negative bacteria. ( 4 Marks) c) Discuss at least five factors that may affect heat resistance of micro-organisms. ( 10 Marks) d) Discuss briefly heat treatment for low acid foods. ( 2 Marks)

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