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Afs2310:Fundermentals Of Dairy Science Question Paper

Afs2310:Fundermentals Of Dairy Science 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Food Science And Nutrition

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2013

a) Define the following terms as used in dairy science. (3 Marks) i. Milk ii. Milk plasma iii. Milk serum b) Explain the fraudulent behaviour by the milk supplier that can be deduced from the following results of laboratory tests performed on raw milk. i. Lower than normal butter fat content combined with high density. (2 Marks) ii. Lower than normal butter fat content combined with low density. (2 Marks) iii. Lower than normal titratable acidity. (2 Marks) c) Though cooling is an important step in maintaining the quality of raw milk, its efficicacy is for a limited duration of time, explain why? (4 Marks) d) Briefly discuss the formation of lactulose in milk and its significance (6 marks) e) Outline 3 important aromatic compounds arising from fermentative transformation of lactose and name the associated products. (6 Marks) f) Briefly explain how presence of a high number of proline residues in caseins contributes to their insolubility in water. (3 Marks) g) Which volatile compound is responsible for the rancid aroma in milk fat and how does it come about? (2 Marks)
a) Discuss the role of Kenya Dairy Board (KDB) (10 Marks)
b) Most of the small scale dairy farmers in Kenya practice hand milking. Explain how they can manipulate environmental factors to reduce incidences of mastitis. (10 Marks)
a) Discuss five factors that influence milk composition (15 Marks) b) Explain why cold raw milk creams faster than as predicted by Stoke’s law (5 Marks)
a) Discuss the natural antimicrobial systems in milk. (12 Marks) b) Explain how the global physiological status of the cow influences its predisposition to mastitis infection. (8 Marks)

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