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Afs2305:Meat Technology Question Paper

Afs2305:Meat Technology 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Food Science And Nutrition

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2013

a) Name there sources of meat in Kenya and differentiate muscle from meat. (3 Marks) b) a ssso a stet seste tat eat s ote’ el sss ts stateet (2 Marks) c) Briefly discuss what you understand by the following as encountered in meat technology; i. PSE meat ii. DFD meant iii. Rigor nortis iv. Freeze burn v. Meat curing d) A student bought fresh meat form a butcher and refrigerated it before cooking. The colour changed from the one obtained at the butcher during storage and cooking. Discuss. (6Marks) e) Why do you think consumers are opting for white meat compared to red meat? Could they be making a wrong decision? (3 Marks) f) Discuss processing and production of a chicken sausage. (6 Marks)
a) After graduating you are employed as a supervisor in beef processing factory. In your factory, beef is produced and supplied to supermarkets. Consumers start complaining of colour changes in your product. Discuss various colour changes they could be observing
and advice your company on ways to improve/maintain the fresh looking colour of beef. (20Marks)
a) Discuss the processing of the following meat products: i. Cured ham (5 Marks) ii. Fermented salami ` ` (5 Marks) iii. Canned beef (5 Marks) b) Discuss application of two novel food processing technologies in meat processing. (5 Marks)
a) White meat s osee ealt’ owee ke eat ots a s ots sol otlets ea a ot e osee ealt’ sss te ealt’ a te o ealt aset (5 Marks) b) Discuss the muscle contraction pre and post-mortem. (10 Marks) c) Two samples of meat X and Y were frozen and thawed. The tray holding samples X collected large pools of reddish fluid compared to the tray with sample Y. Discuss the possible cause of this phenomenon, how to prevent it and it effects on meat quality. (5Marks)

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