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Isc 305: Database Management Systems Question Paper

Isc 305: Database Management Systems 

Course:Bachelor Of Library And Information Science

Institution: Kenyatta University question papers

Exam Year:2015

Answer question one and any other two

1. a) Briefly explain the purpose of each of the five components of DBMS (10 marks)
b) Explain the following concepts (10 marks)
i) Hidden entity
ii)Conceptual data model
iii) Physical data model
iv) Entity relationship

c) Compare and contrast network and hierarchical database structures (10 marks)

2. using appropriate examples. explain the importance of managing information as a resource in an institution. (20 marks)

3. a) Using a scenario of your choice. draw a well labelled entity relationship model showing the three types of relationships.(10 marks)
b) With justification, explain any two queries your model in 3(a) above can answer (10 marks)

4. Explain the steps that should be taken in order to determine relevant entities and their key attributes in an information centre (20 marks)

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