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Hbc2105:Business Studies Question Paper

Hbc2105:Business Studies 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2010

QUESTION ONE (Total Marks – 30)
a) Briefly explain the components of a business plan. (10marks) b) Explain the contents of a articles of association. (5marks) c) As a manager of a business company, identify and explain 5 strategies you would employ to motivate your workers. (10marks) d) Discuss 5 sources of funding for small businesses in Kenya. (5marks)
QUESTION TWO (Total Marks – 20)
a) Explain 4 features of cooperative society. (4marks) b) With relevant illustrations from Kenyan organizations, discuss Eight objectives of the Human resource management function. (16marks)
QUESTION THREE (Total Marks – 20)
a) Briefly explain the concept of outsourcing in business. (2marks) b) Using relevant examples identify eight factors that affect pricing decisions. (8marks) c) Identify and discuss any 5 approaches used in organization development in the process of effecting change in an organization. (10marks)
QUESTION FOUR (Total Marks – 20)
a) Briefly explain the term Fixed Exchange Rate. (2marks) b) Explain three functions of International Monetary Fund. (6marks) c) Identify and explain the 6 decision making models used in business organization. (12marks)
QUESTION FIVE (Total Marks – 20)
a) Identify Four types of business partners. (4marks) b) With relevant examples from Kenyan organizations, explain the three levels of planning. (6marks) c) Explain Five objectives of the World Bank. (10marks)

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