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Hbc2105:Business Studies Question Paper

Hbc2105:Business Studies 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2012

a) A Meru University college of Science and Technology student has registered to take bachelor or commerce degree. Certain terms are new and there is need to understand the terms as a commerce student. Define the following terms clearly and give examples where terms are applied. (i) Organization ( 2 Marks) (ii) Business enterprise ( 2 Marks) (iii) Commerce ( 2 marks) (iv) Management ( 2 Marks) b) Sole proprietorship is an important type of business ownership for especially the small businesses, show the importance of sole proprietorship type of business ownership and consider why you would choose it or not when starting a business.
(10 Marks)
c) Any business undertaking must have its aims/objectives. Explain the aims/objectives of a business enterprise. (8 Marks) d) Show the main sources of funds for small and medium enterprise in Kenya (6 Marks)
a) Most businesses are funded by lending institutions. These institutions have to consider several aspects before they finally lend the funds. Highlight the factors that lenders consider before lending the money to a business. ( 5 marks) b) Highlight the parties to industrial relations and briefly discuss the benefits of sound industrial relations to both the employee and the employer. ( 10 Marks) c) A business plan is an important tool for success of any business. What are the key aspects that an entrepreneur should include in a business plan. ( 5 Marks)
a) What is business ethics? Identify and explain (FICE ) methods of encouraging ethical behavior in an organization ( 10 Marks) b) Briefly discuss what are the functions of management and how they can be utilized by an entrepreneur to bring about success in a business enterprise. ( 10 marks)
a) When making a decision to start a business what environmental factors would you scan an why? ( 10 Marks) b) Using examples of known business enterprises in Kenya, discuss the various components of marketing mix ( 10 Marks)
a) An aspiring entrepreneur with big vision of launching a new innovative business idea is seeking advice on attributes that will make him succeed. Briefly discuss any FIVE such attributes that you believe an entrepreneur should have. ( 10 Marks) b) Differentiate between a business policy and a business plan and describe the features of a business policy. ( 10 Marks)

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