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Hbc2106:Introduction To Computer Systems Question Paper

Hbc2106:Introduction To Computer Systems 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2013

a) Expand the following and give a brief description of each. i. GUI (1 Mark) ii. WWW (1 Mark) iii. TCP/IP (1 Mark) iv. ALU (1 Mark) v. Ethics (1 Mark) b) Using valid examples differentiate between the following terms; i. Input and output devices (2 Marks) ii. Multiprogramming and multi tasking. (2 Marks) iii. Network and internet. (2 Marks) iv. Volatile and non volatile (2 Marks) v. RAM and ROM (2 Marks) c) Describe the random Access principle as used in many computing resources. (3 Marks) d) Discuss four impact of computer use on society. (4 Marks) e) Add binary number in binary form. i. 100110 and 1001 (2 Marks) ii. 11101 and 1011 (2 Marks) f) Explain four (4) performance measures/factors of a computer system. (4 Marks)
a) A new firm is considering setting up a network of 9 computers for their employees. They need your advice on whether to set up a Client-server or Peer-to-peer network. i. Recommend to them the best option to choose in this case and state four reasons for your answer. (7 Marks) ii. Suggest three hardware and two software options they will require in their set up, stating the purpose for each. (5 Marks) b) Discuss four reasons why a network is better than a standalone machine. (8 Marks)
a) Imagine you are a parent of children aged 9 and 13 years. What guidelines would you give them to ensure their safety when using internet? (8 Marks) b) Discus any four health issues associated with prolonged use of computer. (4 Marks) c) sss o alatos o oe esose sstes toa’s oaatos (8 Marks)
a) An operating system is a computer resource manager, explain three such resources. (6 Marks) b) Assess five measures necessary for business to respond effectively to the growing exploitation of the internet by organized criminals. (10 Marks) c) Identify four factors to consider when buying a storage unit of a computer system. (4 Marks)
a) Define the term security as used in computing. (2 Marks) b) List any four possible security threats in computing environments. (4 Marks) c) Describe any three security mechanisms that are used to protect computing resources and users in an organization. (9 Marks) d) Explain the importance of privacy protection in a computing environment. (5 Marks)

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