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Hbc2106:Introduction To Computer Systems Question Paper

Hbc2106:Introduction To Computer Systems 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2010

QUESTION ONE (Total Marks – 30)
a. Discuss any five functions of an operating system. (10 marks) b. Define the following terms; (6 marks) (i) Software (ii) Virtual Memory (iii) Computer Virus c. Charles Babbage is considered the father of modern digital computers. What was his invention and how did the invention contribute to the development of computers? (4 marks) d. Computer is a system. Discuss the elements that make up a computer system. (10 marks)
QUESTION TWO (Total Marks – 20)
a. Computer users require specific application software to perform their tasks with the computer. Describe the two categories of the application software. Give two examples in each category. (8 marks) b. Discuss any four categories of the operating systems; give an example in each category. (10 marks) c. Mention the three components of a computer system that must be specified when buying a new computer. (2 marks)
QUESTION THREE (Total Marks – 20)
a. Briefly discuss the criteria used to classify computers, giving examples of computers in each criterion. (10 marks) b. Use of computers in the society is associated with advantages only and no disadvantages. Critique this statement. (4 marks) c. Differentiate between the following terms; (6 marks) (i) GUI and Command based operating system (ii) Binary Number system and Octal Number system (iii) RISC and CISC
QUESTION FOUR (Total Marks – 20)
a. Briefly discuss any four examples of primary memory. (8 marks) b. Outline the three ways of classifying computers processors. (3 marks) c. List the three factors considered when there is a need to improve speed of a processor. (3 marks) d. Convert the following; (6 marks) (i) FA68 to binary (ii) 9.5710 to binary (iii) 11010110112 to hexadecimal
QUESTION FIVE (Total Marks – 20)
a. sin an elaborate iaram, escribe te comuter’s loical sstem arcitecture, clearl explaining the inter-operability of the components of the system. (8 marks) b. Describe how you would carry out the following Ms-Dos tasks; (6 marks) (i) Create this path: C:\>Internet\Intranet\Website (ii) Create a file called Organization in the Website directory (iii) Remove the directory called Intranet from the path c. GUI provides a very convenient interface. Ms Windows has features that provide this kind of an interface. Briefly explain the most common features of the Windows environment. (6 marks)

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